
636 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"fixedTemplates": {
"smdion's Repository": {
"smdion/docker-h5ai": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"smdion's beta Repository": {
"smdion/docker-keybox": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"CaptInsano's Repository": {
"captinsano/koel": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"captinsano/legacyrutorrent": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"captinsano/rutorrent": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"Bungy's Repository": {
"sameersbn/gitlab": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"jshridha/motioneye:latest": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"owncloud": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"jshridha/rdiffweb": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"centurylink/watchtower": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"aptalca's Repository": {
"aptalca/docker-zoneminder": [
"Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present"
"hernandito's Repository": {
"hernandito/hernando-apachephp-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"hernandito/docker-apache-php-adminer": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"hernandito/docker-resourcespace": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"coolasice1999/tmm-cli-cronjob:latest": [
"Unknown category MediaManager:"
"coolasice1999/tmm:latest": [
"Unknown category MediaManager:"
"linuxserver's Repository": {
"linuxserver/codiad": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"linuxserver/sickgear": [
"No category entry present"
"sdesbure's Repository": {
"sdesbure/T411Torznab": [
"Fatal: Invalid repository found. Only lowercase is allowed"
"snoopy86's Repository": {
"snoopy86/emoncms-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"gfjardim's Repository": {
"": [
"No Support Link Present"
"dibbz' Repository": {
"quimnut/brewpi-wifi": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"quimnut/cloud9ide": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"gogs/gogs": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]/"
"docgyver's Repository": {
"": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"bashNinja's Repository": {
"bashninja/docker-pritunl": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443]"
"stuckless' Repository": {
"stuckless/crushftp": [
"Unknown category Productivity:Tools",
"Multiple Icons found"
"thomast_88's Repository": {
"gitlab/gitlab-runner": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"chvb's Repository": {
"chvb/docker-apache-php": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"chvb/docker-kerio-connect": [
"Unknown category Network:Email"
"chvb/onlyofficedocumentserver:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"jcreynolds' Repository": {
"jcreynolds/flextv": [
"Unknown category Media:",
"Unknown category Applications:",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]",
"No Support Link Present"
"atribe's Repository": {
"atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"achumchal/plex_data_collector_for_influxdb": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"barrycarey/speedtest-for-influxdb-and-grafana": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"Kru-X's Repository": {
"wekanteam/wekan": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"wordpress": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"Uirel's Repository": {
"caddy:alpine": [
"Multiple Descriptions Found",
"Unknown category Network:Web,",
"Unknown category Network:Proxy:",
"No Support Link Present"
"cheesemarathon's Repository": {
"coderaiser/cloudcmd": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8000]"
"msjpq/firefox-vnc": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"minio/minio": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:9000]/"
"taskcafe/taskcafe": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3333]/"
"cmer's Repository": {
"cmer/minio": [
"Fatal: Multiple Repositories Found - Removing application from lists"
"clowrym's Repository": {
"hexparrot/mineos": [
"No category entry present"
"ninjaneer/plex-discord-bot": [
"Unknown category Uncategorized:",
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"No Support Link Present"
"fanningert's Repository": {
"guacamole/guacd": [
"Unknown category Network:Mangament",
"No Support Link Present"
"malvarez00's Repository": {
"gitlab/gitlab-ce": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]",
"No Support Link Present"
"malvarez00/docker-unifi-video": [
"Unknown category Media:",
"Unknown category Servers:"
"runraid's Repository": {
"ronnieroller/ddns": [
"No Support Link Present"
"deepquestai/deepstack": [
"No Support Link Present"
"kthulu120/liquid_dl": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config",
"No Support Link Present"
"kmb32123/youtube-dl-server": [
"No Support Link Present"
"jj9987's Repository": {
"janarj/cloudflare-ddns:1.1": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"No Support Link Present"
"JCloud's Repository": {
"quantumobject/docker-cacti": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/cacti"
"analogic/": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"JBartlett's Repository": {
"jbartlett777/diskspeed": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8888]/"
"zyphermonkey's Repository": {
"zyphermonkey/splunk": [
"No Support Link Present"
"Mudislander's Repository": {
"mudislander/fogproject": [
"Invalid WebUI",
"No Support Link Present"
"bl0m1/xtevedocker": [
"No category entry present",
"CPU pinning removed from template",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"digiblur's Repository": {
"homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"adolfintel/speedtest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"raymondmm/tasmoadmin": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"danmed/tasmobackupv1": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"iotreboot/tasui:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"nico640/docker-unms": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443]"
"thetarkus' Repository": {
"thetarkus/funkwhale": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config",
"No Support Link Present"
"rix's Repository": {
"rix1337/docker-gphotos-sync": [
"No category entry present",
"CPU pinning removed from template"
"rix1337/docker-myjd-api": [
"No category entry present"
"rix1337/docker-ripper": [
"Multiple Category tags present - using longest one"
"Siwat2545's Repository": {
"adguard/adguardhome": [
"Unknown category DNS:",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"machinebox/facebox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"siwatinc/home_assistant_control_panel_unraid_ab": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"siwatinc/nginx-pagespeed": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"onlyoffice/communityserver": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"onlyoffice/documentserver": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"siwatinc/phlex": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"siwatinc/ubuntu-playground": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting"
"Bender's Repository": {
"traefik:latest": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting",
"Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.",
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"boerderij/varken": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"acockburn/appdaemon": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.",
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"seim's Repository": {
"seafileltd/seafile": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"fithwum's Repository": {
"fithwum/minecraft": [
"No Support Link Present"
"Grack's Repository": {
"gregyankovoy/chowdown": [
"No category entry present"
"gregyankovoy/goaccess": [
"No category entry present"
"gregyankovoy/lftp-mirror": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"knex666's Repository": {
"atlassian/confluence-server": [
"No category entry present",
"No Support Link Present"
"knex666/mopidy:3-experimental": [
"No Support Link Present"
"nextcloud:latest": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting"
"knex666/rssnotipy": [
"No category entry present"
"alqutami/rtmp-hls": [
"No Support Link Present"
"knex666/shortipy": [
"No Support Link Present"
"kevineye/snapcast": [
"No category entry present",
"No Support Link Present"
"doudou34/tor-server": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"No Support Link Present"
"ulisses1478's Repository": {
"ulisses1478/docker-android": [
"No category entry present",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"No Support Link Present"
"ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui": [
"No Support Link Present"
"ulisses1478/mongo-express": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"No Support Link Present"
"phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin": [
"No Support Link Present"
"ulisses1478/shinobi": [
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-04 13:08:35 +00:00
"ulisses1478/teleradarr": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting",
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"ulisses1478/zcashwallet": [
"No Support Link Present"
"dee31797's Repository": {
"djaydev/motioneye": [
"Unknown category Media:",
"Unknown category Servers:"
"josywong's Repository": {
"ipfs/go-ipfs": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"angelics/unraid-docker-ipxe-buildweb": [
"Unknown category Services:",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"angelics/unraid-docker-zelcore-wallet": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:5800]"
"Andrew207's Repository": {
"atunnecliffe/splunk": [
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository": {
"gilbn/geoip2influx": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
2021-01-03 23:07:44 +00:00
"shenxn/protonmail-bridge": [
"No category entry present",
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"rancher/rancher:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"stokkes/sstvproxy": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"syncarr/syncarr": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"alturismo's Repository": {
"dnsforge/xteve:latest": [
"No Support Link Present"
"Conmyster's Repository": {
"zabbix/zabbix-agent:latest": [
"Multiple Category tags present - using longest one"
"d8sychain's Repository": {
"d8sychain/mediawiki": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"SpaceInvaderOne's Repository": {
2020-12-09 03:12:37 +00:00
"spaceinvaderone/macinabox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons": [
"No Support Link Present"
"d8ahazard's Repository": {
"digitalhigh/glimmr": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting"
"DavidSpek's Repository": {
"rocker/rstudio": [
"No Support Link Present"
"Aggie1999's Repository": {
"wbynum/qemubackup": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"frakman1's Repository": {
"gitlab/gitlab-runner": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"ElectricBrainUK's Repository": {
"electricbrainuk/unraidapi": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"hotio's Repository": {
"hotio/autoscan": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"MrChunky's Repository": {
2020-12-18 23:09:21 +00:00
"cassandra:latest": [
"No category entry present"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"storjlabs/storagenode:beta": [
"No Support Link Present"
"p.wrangles' Repository": {
"wranglatang/bluelinky": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"eXisTa's Repository": {
"xirixiz/dsmr-reader-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
2020-12-20 23:08:26 +00:00
"kiowa2005's Repository": {
"mitchellriley/streetmerchant": [
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"TheBrian's Repository": {
"theoriginalbrian/intel-gpu-telegraf": [
"No category entry present"
2021-01-16 15:07:29 +00:00
"Sycotix' Repository": {
2021-01-17 23:07:47 +00:00
"atlassian/jira-servicedesk": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
2021-01-16 15:07:29 +00:00
"fjudith/pwm": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"openspeedtest's Repository": {
"openspeedtest/latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"mason's Repository": {
"masonxx/mediaelch": [
"Unknown category Tool:"
"Progeny42's Repository": {
"snipe/snipe-it": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"roflcoopter's Repository": {
"roflcoopter/viseron": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"Veriwind's Repository": {
"itzg/minecraft-server": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"agusalex' Repository": {
"agusalex/grive2": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"agusalex/notarius:latest": [
"No category entry present",
2020-12-24 19:07:34 +00:00
"Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present"
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
"laur's Repository": {
"layr/borg-mysql-backup:borg1": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"DanRegalia's Repository": {
"portainer/portainer-ce": [
"Unknown category Docker:"
2020-12-14 22:18:04 +00:00
"diamkil's Repository": {
"sctx/overseerr": [
"Unknown category Media:",
2020-12-18 17:09:00 +00:00
"Unknown category Applications:"
2020-12-14 22:18:04 +00:00
2020-12-15 15:20:21 +00:00
2020-12-15 22:28:34 +00:00
"ndetar's Repository": {
2020-12-15 23:09:11 +00:00
"deepquestai/deepstack": [
2020-12-15 22:28:34 +00:00
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-31 01:07:40 +00:00
"robmarkcole/deepstack-ui": [
"No Support Link Present"
2020-12-15 22:28:34 +00:00
2021-01-09 17:07:48 +00:00
"rge's Repository": {
"aronwk/wger:latest": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting",
"No Support Link Present"
2021-01-16 17:07:27 +00:00
"Muwahhidun's Repository": {
"roundcube/roundcubemail": [
"Unknown category Web:",
2021-01-16 21:07:29 +00:00
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"tak786/trango-self-hosted:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
2021-01-16 17:07:27 +00:00
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00
2021-01-17 23:07:47 +00:00
"caFixed": 186
2020-12-03 12:42:32 +00:00