This commit is contained in:
Squidly271 2021-02-07 16:07:49 -05:00
parent f475e5d46d
commit dea3085294

View File

@ -154287,7 +154287,7 @@
"CategoryList": [
"LastUpdateScan": 1610133117,
"LastUpdateScan": 1612726689,
"FirstSeen": 1610133117
@ -187106,5 +187106,180 @@
"stars": 5,
"LastUpdateScan": 1612547427,
"FirstSeen": 1612547427
"Name": "nvim-server",
"Repository": "hikariai/nvim-server",
"Registry": "",
"Network": "bridge",
"Shell": "bash",
"Privileged": "false",
"Project": "",
"Overview": "A containerized IDE-like text editor that runs on a web server. This tool is for running NeoVim remotely and continuing the development process at \ud83d\ude80 speed.",
"WebUI": "http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]/wetty",
"TemplateURL": "",
"PostArgs": "",
"CPUset": "",
"Networking": {
"Mode": "bridge",
"Publish": {
"Port": [
"HostPort": "6080",
"ContainerPort": "3000",
"Protocol": "tcp"
"HostPort": "8090",
"ContainerPort": "8090",
"Protocol": "tcp"
"Data": {
"Volume": [
"HostDir": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server",
"ContainerDir": "/config",
"Mode": "rw"
"HostDir": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server-workspace",
"ContainerDir": "/workspace",
"Mode": "rw"
"Environment": {
"Variable": [
"Value": "kev",
"Name": "USER",
"Mode": ""
"Value": "439911",
"Name": "SECRET",
"Mode": ""
"Value": "Asia/Shanghai",
"Name": "TZ",
"Mode": ""
"Config": [
"@attributes": {
"Name": "USER",
"Target": "USER",
"Default": "guest",
"Mode": "",
"Description": "User for login, default is set to guest",
"Type": "Variable",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "true",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "kev"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "SECRET",
"Target": "SECRET",
"Default": "password",
"Mode": "",
"Description": "Password for login, default is set to password",
"Type": "Variable",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "true",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "439911"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "TZ",
"Target": "TZ",
"Default": "Asia/Shanghai",
"Mode": "",
"Description": "Default TZ is set to Asia/Shanghai",
"Type": "Variable",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "false",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "Asia/Shanghai"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "WEB UI",
"Target": "3000",
"Default": "6080",
"Mode": "tcp",
"Description": "Port for accessing the Web UI",
"Type": "Port",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "false",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "6080"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "CONFIG",
"Target": "/config",
"Default": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server",
"Mode": "rw",
"Description": "Container Path: /config",
"Type": "Path",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "true",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "WORKSPACE",
"Target": "/workspace",
"Default": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server-workspace",
"Mode": "rw",
"Description": "Container Path: /workspace",
"Type": "Path",
"Display": "always",
"Required": "true",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "/mnt/user/appdata/nvim-server-workspace"
"@attributes": {
"Name": "Markdown Preview",
"Target": "8090",
"Default": "8090",
"Mode": "tcp",
"Description": "Port for the Instant Markdown Preview Server",
"Type": "Port",
"Display": "advanced",
"Required": "false",
"Mask": "false"
"value": "8090"
"Repo": "kevin yu's Repository",
"Date": "1612675754",
"Category": "Productivity:",
"Description": "A containerized IDE-like text editor that runs on a web server. This tool is for running NeoVim remotely and continuing the development process at \ud83d\ude80 speed.",
"templatePath": "/tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/kevinyusRepository/nvim-server/nvim-server.xml",
"CategoryList": [
"downloads": 1614,
"LastUpdateScan": 1612726689,
"FirstSeen": 1612726689