Unraid-Kernel-Helper ich777/unraid-kernel-helper https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/unraid-kernel-helper bridge 6.9.0-rc2 bash true https://forums.unraid.net/topic/92865-support-ich777-nvidiadvb-kernel-helper-docker/ https://unraid.net/ With this container you can build your own customized Unraid Kernel. By default it will create the Kernel/Firmware/Modules/Rootfilesystem with the nVidia drivers. nVidia Driver installation: If you build the container with the nVidia drivers please make sure that no other process is using the graphics card otherwise the installation will fail and no nVidia drivers will be installed. ATTENTION: Please read the description of the variables carefully! If you started the container don't interrupt the build process, the container will automatically shut down if everything is finished. I recommend to open the log window, the build itself can take very long depending on your hardware but should be done in ~30minutes). THIS CONTAINER WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING TO YOUR EXISTING INSTALLATION OR ON YOUR USB KEY/DRIVE, YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY PUT THE CREATED FILES IN THE OUTPUT FOLDER TO YOUR USB KEY/DRIVE. UPDATE: Please redownload the template from the CA App to keep the template up to date. ATTENTION: PLEASE BACKUP YOUR EXISTING USB DRIVE FILES TO YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER IN CASE SOMETHING GOES WRONG! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU BREAK YOUR SERVER OR SOMETHING OTHER WITH THIS CONTAINER, THIS CONTAINER IS THERE TO HELP YOU EASILY BUILD A NEW IMAGE AND UNDERSTAND HOW THIS IS WORKING. Forum Notice: When something isn't working with your server and you make a post on the forum always include that you use a Kernel built with this container! https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/unraid-kernel.png If you like my work please https://www.paypal.me/chips777 bridge /mnt/cache/appdata/kernel /usr/src rw /boot /host/boot ro true BUILD_NVIDIA false BUILD_DVB libreelec DVB_TYPE false BUILD_ZFS false LOAD_UNLOAD_ZFS_WITH_ARRAY false BUILD_ISCSI true BUILD_MLX_MFT false BUILD_GNIF_VENDOR_RESET false APPLY_RMRR_PATCH false BUILD_HPSAHBA false ENABLE_i915 all CPU_COUNT moderate CLEANUP false CREATE_BACKUP false SAVE_LOG false USER_PATCHES false CUSTOM_MODE rc2 BETA_BUILD 000 UMASK 99 UID 100 GID 770 DATA_PERM /usr/src/stock IMAGES_FILE_PATH latest NV_DRV_V latest DD_DRV_V latest LE_DRV_V latest SECCOMP_V latest LIBNVIDIA_CONTAINER_V latest CONTAINER_TOOLKIT_V latest NVIDIA_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_V latest MLX_MFT_V latest TARGETCLI_FB_V latest RTSLIB_FB_V latest CONFIGSHELL_FB_V false BUILD_JOYDEV true BEEP latest ZFS_V false DONTWAIT master GNIF_BRANCH /mnt/cache/appdata/kernel rc2 true false libreelec false false false false false false false false all moderate false false false false /usr/src/stock /boot latest latest latest master latest latest latest latest latest latest latest latest false true latest false 000 99 100 770 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/Unraid-Kernel-Helper.xml Productivity: Tools:Utilities With this container you can build your own customized Unraid Kernel. By default it will create the Kernel/Firmware/Modules/Rootfilesystem with the nVidia drivers. nVidia Driver installation: If you build the container with the nVidia drivers please make sure that no other process is using the graphics card otherwise the installation will fail and no nVidia drivers will be installed. ATTENTION: Please read the description of the variables carefully! If you started the container don't interrupt the build process, the container will automatically shut down if everything is finished. I recommend to open the log window, the build itself can take very long depending on your hardware but should be done in ~30minutes). THIS CONTAINER WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING TO YOUR EXISTING INSTALLATION OR ON YOUR USB KEY/DRIVE, YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY PUT THE CREATED FILES IN THE OUTPUT FOLDER TO YOUR USB KEY/DRIVE. UPDATE: Please redownload the template from the CA App to keep the template up to date. ATTENTION: PLEASE BACKUP YOUR EXISTING USB DRIVE FILES TO YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER IN CASE SOMETHING GOES WRONG! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU BREAK YOUR SERVER OR SOMETHING OTHER WITH THIS CONTAINER, THIS CONTAINER IS THERE TO HELP YOU EASILY BUILD A NEW IMAGE AND UNDERSTAND HOW THIS IS WORKING. Forum Notice: When something isn't working with your server and you make a post on the forum always include that you use a Kernel built with this container! /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/Unraid-Kernel-Helper.xml