untelegraf appcelerator/telegraf:latest https://hub.docker.com/r/appcelerator/telegraf/ host true https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=51498.0 Telegraf gathers metrics from your system and sends them to an InfluxDB server for storage. From InfluxDB you would typically use something like Grafana to plot the data.[br] Both Grafana and Influxdb are available through Community Apps[br] [br] [b][u][span style='color: #E80000;']Configuration[/span][/u][/b][br] [b]Container Volumes:[/b][br] [b]/var/run/docker.sock[/b] Read Only. Location of your docker socket.[br] [b]/var/run/utmp[/b] Read Only. Location of your utmp file.[br] [b]/rootfs[/b] Read Only. To be mapped to the root of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system.[br] [b]/rootfs/etc[/b] Read Only. To be mapped to the etc of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system.[br] [b]/rootfs/proc[/b] Read Only. To be mapped to the proc of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system.[br] [b]/rootfs/sys[/b] Read Only. To be mapped to the sys of the host file system. This is so the disk usage reported will be that of the host system.[br] [br] [b]Environment Variables:[/b][br] [b]INFLUXDB_RETENTION_POLICY[/b] Name of the retention policy. This should be present, but with no value assigned, as that is the default for InfluxDB 1.0.0 [b]HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX[/b] Name of container volume mapping of the root file system.[br] [b]HOST_ETC[/b] Name of the etc volume mapping of the root file system.[br] [b]HOST_PROC[/b] Name of the proc volume mapping of the root file system.[br] [b]HOST_SYS[/b] Name of the sys volume mapping of the root file sytem.[br] [b]INFLUXDB_URL[/b] The url of the influxdb api, example:[br] [b][u][span style='color: #E80000;']CLICK ADVANCED VIEW AND SET THE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES[/span][/u][/b][br] [br] [b][u][span style='color: #E80000;']More environtment variables are available and covered on the docker hub page: https://hub.docker.com/r/appcelerator/telegraf/.[/span][/u][/b] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/atribe/unRAID-docker/master/untelegraf.xml https://github.com/atribe/unRAID-docker/raw/master/icons/telegraf.png host /var/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock ro /proc /rootfs/proc ro /etc /rootfs/etc ro /sys /rootfs/sys ro / /rootfs ro /var/run/utmp /var/run/utmp ro INFLUXDB_RETENTION_POLICY /rootfs HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX /rootfs/etc HOST_ETC /rootfs/proc HOST_PROC /rootfs/sys HOST_SYS INFLUXDB_URL /var/run/docker.sock /proc /etc /sys / /var/run/utmp /rootfs /rootfs/etc /rootfs/proc /rootfs/sys 1488244832 Telegraf gathers metrics from your system and sends them to an InfluxDB server for storage. From InfluxDB you would typically use something like Grafana to plot the data. Both Grafana and Influxdb are available through Community Apps /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/atribesRepository/untelegraf.xml