IW4x-Server ich777/iw4x-server https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/iw4x-server/ bridge true sh false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79530-support-ich777-gameserver-dockers/ https://iw4x.org/ This Docker will download and install a simple IW4x Server. ATTENTION: You need to copy over the files from your CoD:MW2 folder to the server directory otherwise the server will not start. DOWNLOAD NOTICE: If a download fails or is not available you can simply put the .zip files in the server directory and the container will extract the files and start the server. WINE NOTICE: Since this container runs with WINE i can't garantee that it will not crash or other weird behavoir. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/iw4x.png --restart=unless-stopped If you like my work please https://www.paypal.me/chips777 bridge 28960 28960 tcp 28960 28960 udp /mnt/cache/appdata/iw4x /iw4x rw +exec server.cfg +sv_maxclients 12 +set fs_game mods/bots +set playlistFilename playlists.info GAME_PARAMS FORCE_UPDATE https://dss0.cc/updater/iw4x_files.zip IW4X_DL_URL https://iw4x-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/emosewaj_iw4x_onmicrosoft_com/EYnWYmCXExpEvn-bL2262Q0BSy0jVZF0FXslvpJEDPE5Fw?e=gPx8RF&download=1 IW4X_DLC_URL 000 UMASK 770 DATA_PERM 99 UID 100 GID 28960 GAME_PORT /mnt/cache/appdata/iw4x 28960 28960 +exec server.cfg +sv_maxclients 12 +set fs_game mods/bots +set playlistFilename playlists.info https://dss0.cc/updater/iw4x_files.zip https://iw4x-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/emosewaj_iw4x_onmicrosoft_com/EYnWYmCXExpEvn-bL2262Q0BSy0jVZF0FXslvpJEDPE5Fw?e=gPx8RF&download=1 000 770 99 100 28960 This Docker will download and install a simple IW4x Server. ATTENTION: You need to copy over the files from your CoD:MW2 folder to the server directory otherwise the server will not start. DOWNLOAD NOTICE: If a download fails or is not available you can simply put the .zip files in the server directory and the container will extract the files and start the server. WINE NOTICE: Since this container runs with WINE i can't garantee that it will not crash or other weird behavoir. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/IW4x-Server.xml