elasticsearch elasticsearch:6.6.2 https://hub.docker.com/_/elasticsearch bridge bash false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79125-support-foxxmd-elasticsearch https://www.elastic.co/ Elasticsearch with instructions for installation on unraid. [br][br] [b]Default Elasticsearch version is 6.6.2[/b][br] To change version simply edit the version tag in the repository field to an available version on dockerhub. [b]This template not tested on alpine images.[/b][br][br] [span style='color: #E80000;'][b]Directions below MUST be used in order to get Elasticsearch 5 and above working correctly.[/b][/span] Check support thread for more information.[br] [b][span style='color: #E80000;']Directions:[/span][/b][br] 1. Install [b]CA User Scripts[/b][br] 2. Create a new script named [b]vm.max_map_count[/b][br] 3. Contents of script as follows: [br][br] [span style='font-family: monospace;']#!/bin/bash[br] sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144[/span][br][br] 4. Set script schedule to [b]At Startup of Array[/b][br] 1554091200 http://[IP]:[PORT:9200]/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FoxxMD/unraid-docker-templates/master/foxxmd/elasticsearch.xml https://github.com/FoxxMD/unraid-docker-templates/raw/master/elasticsearch.png -e "ES_JAVA_OPTS"="-Xms512m -Xmx512m" --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 bridge 9200 9200 tcp 9300 9300 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/elasticsearch/data /usr/share/elasticsearch/data rw single-node discovery.type /mnt/user/appdata/elasticsearch/data 9200 9300 single-node Elasticsearch with instructions for installation on unraid. Default Elasticsearch version is 6.6.2 To change version simply edit the version tag in the repository field to an available version on dockerhub. This template not tested on alpine images. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/FoxxMDsRepository/foxxmd/elasticsearch.xml