OpenVPN-AIO-Client-Torless testdasi/openvpn-client-aio:latest-torless bridge bash false An "all-in-one" docker for all your private browsing needs (including OpenVPN client with nftables kill switch ; Socks5 + HTTP proxy to the VPN ; DNS server to DoT (DNS-over-TLS) services). It's the same as OpenVPN AIO Client docker but without TOR. NOTE: you must place your own OpenVPN configuration to the host path that is mapped to /etc/openvpn (The ovpn file must be named openvpn.ovpn. Credentials + certs can be in the same file or split out into multiple files - the flexibility is yours.) Set DNS_SERVERS to to use DNS-over-TLS (use google and cloudflare services by default). Your DNS query out of the VPN exit will also be encrypted for even more security. Set it to other services IP's will use normal unencrypted services. Set HOST_NETWORK to your Unraid server network in CIDR format e.g. For more detailed instructions, refer to the support thread ( or project page ( --cap-add=NET_ADMIN If you like my work, a donation to my burger fund is very much appreciated. bridge 8153 53 tcp 8153 53 udp 9118 9118 tcp 8118 8118 tcp 9119 9119 tcp 8119 8119 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-aio-client /etc/openvpn rw DNS_SERVERS HOST_NETWORK 53 DNS_SERVER_PORT 9118 SOCKS_PROXY_PORT 8118 HTTP_PROXY_PORT 9119 TOR_SOCKS_PORT 8119 TOR_HTTP_PORT /mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-aio-client 8153 8153 9118 8118 9119 8119 53 9118 8118 9119 8119 1599766702 An "all-in-one" docker for all your private browsing needs (including OpenVPN client with nftables kill switch ; Socks5 + HTTP proxy to the VPN ; DNS server to DoT (DNS-over-TLS) services). It's the same as OpenVPN AIO Client docker but without TOR. NOTE: you must place your own OpenVPN configuration to the host path that is mapped to /etc/openvpn (The ovpn file must be named openvpn.ovpn. Credentials + certs can be in the same file or split out into multiple files - the flexibility is yours.) Set DNS_SERVERS to to use DNS-over-TLS (use google and cloudflare services by default). Your DNS query out of the VPN exit will also be encrypted for even more security. Set it to other services IP's will use normal unencrypted services. Set HOST_NETWORK to your Unraid server network in CIDR format e.g. For more detailed instructions, refer to the support thread ( or project page ( /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/testdasisRepository/openvpn-aio-client-torless.xml