1609390800 https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50453.0 pihole-template https://hub.docker.com/r/pihole/pihole/ https://github.com/spants/unraidtemplates pihole/pihole:latest false bridge 53 53 tcp TCP Port 53 53 udp UDP Port 67 67 udp DHCP 80 80 tcp Http Port (should be 80!) 443 443 tcp Https Port (should be 443!) DNS1 DNS2 Europe/London TZ admin WEBPASSWORD br0 INTERFACE ServerIP ServerIPv6 False IPv6 all DNSMASQ_LISTENING /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/pihole/ /etc/pihole/ rw /mnt/user/appdata/pihole/dnsmasq.d/ /etc/dnsmasq.d/ rw --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --restart=unless-stopped http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/admin https://i.imgur.com/OWkNcEn.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spants/unraidtemplates/master/Spants/pihole.xml Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads![br][br] This is a template for the official PiHole Docker[br] Make sure that you use bridge mode and give PiHole[br] it's own IP address.[br] Also, if you set you router to give out the PiHole address to clients,[br] make sure that you fixe the unRaid servers dns to point to a real DNS Server.[br] Pi-Hole - let's block those pesky ads! This is a template for the official PiHole Docker Make sure that you use bridge mode and give PiHole it's own IP address. Also, if you set you router to give out the PiHole address to clients, make sure that you fixe the unRaid servers dns to point to a real DNS Server. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/SpantsRepository/Spants/pihole.xml