AssettoCorsaCompetizione ich777/accompetizione-server bridge sh false This Docker will run the AssettoCorsa Competizione Server. ATTENTION: You have to copy over the 'accServer.exe' in your server directory, you can find it in your GAMEDIRECTORY/accServer.exe Let the container start up for the first time copy over the file and then restart the container. Notice: The initial servername and credentials are: 'ACC Docker Server' Password: 'Docker' AdminPassword: 'adminDocker' (all config files are located in the '/cfg' directory in your serverfolder). --restart=unless-stopped If you like my work please bridge 9201 9201 tcp 9201 9201 udp /mnt/cache/appdata/assettocorsacompetizione /acc rw 000 UMASK 770 DATA_PERM 99 UID 100 GID /mnt/cache/appdata/assettocorsacompetizione 9201 9201 000 770 99 100 GameServers: This Docker will run the AssettoCorsa Competizione Server. ATTENTION: You have to copy over the 'accServer.exe' in your server directory, you can find it in your GAMEDIRECTORY/accServer.exe Let the container start up for the first time copy over the file and then restart the container. Notice: The initial servername and credentials are: 'ACC Docker Server' Password: 'Docker' AdminPassword: 'adminDocker' (all config files are located in the '/cfg' directory in your serverfolder). /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/AssettoCorsaCompetizione.xml