grocy linuxserver/grocy bridge bash false [center][img width='300px' src=''][/center] Grocy is an ERP system for your kitchen! Cut down on food waste, and manage your chores with this brilliant utility. Keep track of your purchaes, how much food you are wasting, what chores need doing and what batteries need charging with this proudly opensource tool[br][br] Username/Password = admin/admin HomeAutomation: Productivity: MediaApp:Other http://[IP]:[PORT:80] Donate [center][img width='300px' src=''][/center] Grocy is an ERP system for your kitchen! Cut down on food waste, and manage your chores with this brilliant utility. Keep track of your purchaes, how much food you are wasting, what chores need doing and what batteries need charging with this proudly opensource tool[br][br] Username/Password = admin/admin bridge 9283 80 tcp /config rw 99 PUID 100 PGID 9283 /mnt/disks/virtualisation/appdata/grocy 99 100