google-cloud-storage-backup A simple way to backup important files to Google Cloud Storage. Notes: Specific number version are tested versions including the latest tag. Weekly and Monthly build are rebuild images with updated version of the base image, google cloud sdk and apt packets. To select a weekly or monthly release, use one of the following tag: - vinid223/gcloud-storage-backup:weekly - vinid223/gcloud-storage-backup:monthly vinid223/gcloud-storage-backup true false bridge ACCESS_KEY Container Variable: ACCESS_KEY SECRET_KEY Container Variable: SECRET_KEY GCSPATH gs://mybucket/ GCSOPTIONS CRON_SCHEDULE 0 * * * * Backup path /mnt/user/backup /data/backup ro If you like this image or just want to give me a coffee 1605934800 A simple way to backup important files to Google Cloud Storage. Notes: Specific number version are tested versions including the latest tag. Weekly and Monthly build are rebuild images with updated version of the base image, google cloud sdk and apt packets. To select a weekly or monthly release, use one of the following tag: - vinid223/gcloud-storage-backup:weekly - vinid223/gcloud-storage-backup:monthly /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/vinid223sRepository/vinid223/gcloud-backup-docker.xml