Thunderbird ich777/thunderbird bridge sh false This container will download and install Thunderbird in the preferred version and language. UPDATE: The container will check on every restart if there is a newer version available. ATTENTION: If you want to change the language, you have to delete every file in the 'thunderbird' directory except the 'profile' folder. RESOLUTION: You can also change the resolution from the WebGUI, to do that simply click on 'Show more settings...' (on a resolution change it can occour that the screen is not filled entirely with the Thunderbird window, simply restart the container and it will be fullscreen again). http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/vnc.html?autoconnect=true --restart=unless-stopped --shm-size=2G If you like my work please bridge 8080 8080 tcp /mnt/cache/appdata/thunderbird/ /thunderbird rw latest THUNDERBIRD_V en-US THUNDERBIRD_LANG 1280 CUSTOM_RES_W 768 CUSTOM_RES_H EXTRA_PARAMETERS 99 UID 100 GID 000 UMASK /mnt/cache/appdata/thunderbird/ 8080 latest en-US 1280 768 99 100 000 This container will download and install Thunderbird in the preferred version and language. UPDATE: The container will check on every restart if there is a newer version available. ATTENTION: If you want to change the language, you have to delete every file in the 'thunderbird' directory except the 'profile' folder. RESOLUTION: You can also change the resolution from the WebGUI, to do that simply click on 'Show more settings...' (on a resolution change it can occour that the screen is not filled entirely with the Thunderbird window, simply restart the container and it will be fullscreen again). /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/Thunderbird.xml