onlyoffice-community-server xternet/unraid-onlyoffice-community-server onlyoffice sh false Before you start this container you need to create the onlyoffice network. Open Unraid terminal and paste this command in there: ' sudo docker network create --driver bridge onlyoffice ' -- without ' ' HTTPS Support can be enable creating a "certs" folder in the data directory and placing onlyoffice.crt and onlyoffice.key in it For more information visit the support thread http://[IP]:[PORT:80] Donate me a coffee or a beer if you like my work :) onlyoffice 8080 80 tcp 4431 443 tcp 5222 5222 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data /var/www/onlyoffice/Data rw /mnt/user/appdata/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs /var/log/onlyoffice rw my-secret-pw MYSQL_SERVER_ROOT_PASSWORD onlyoffice MYSQL_SERVER_DB_NAME localhost MYSQL_SERVER_HOST onlyoffice_user MYSQL_SERVER_USER onlyoffice_pass MYSQL_SERVER_PASS MAIL_SERVER_API_HOST 8081 MAIL_SERVER_API_PORT MAIL_SERVER_DB_HOST onlyoffice_mailserver MAIL_SERVER_DB_NAME 3306 MAIL_SERVER_DB_PORT mail_admin MAIL_SERVER_DB_USER Isadmin123 MAIL_SERVER_DB_PASS DOCUMENT_SERVER_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR 8080 4431 5222 my-secret-pw onlyoffice localhost onlyoffice_user onlyoffice_pass /mnt/user/appdata/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data /mnt/user/appdata/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs 8081 onlyoffice_mailserver 3306 mail_admin Isadmin123 1575686176 Productivity: Tools:Utilities Before you start this container you need to create the onlyoffice network. Open Unraid terminal and paste this command in there: ' sudo docker network create --driver bridge onlyoffice ' -- without ' ' HTTPS Support can be enable creating a "certs" folder in the data directory and placing onlyoffice.crt and onlyoffice.key in it For more information visit the support thread /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/JidovuMariusAdriansRepository/unraid-ca-repo/onlyoffice-community-server.xml