vm_custom_icons spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons https://hub.docker.com/r/spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons bridge sh true https://github.com/SpaceinvaderOne/unraid_vm_icons Downloads and installs additional custom VM icons to the Unraid VM Manager. After install Container should be set to auto start. Usage Basic settings 1. Choose which custom icons you want to be installed from the drop downs. 2. Choose wether you want to keep the existing stock vm icons (recommended to keep) 3. Set wether all icons are redownloaded when container starts. Setting this as yes will clear all vm icons then redownload all choosen icons from github repo. Setting to yes will on every start download any new icons in selected sections. (This is also useful if you deceide you no longer want a choosen section of icons anymore) 4. If your server has a beep speaker you can enable a tune to be played each time icons are synced! Advanced settings (under show more settings) 1. You can set how long the container should wait before exiting after syncing icons (default 30 seconds) Other options dont change https://github.com/SpaceinvaderOne/unraid_vm_icons https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpaceinvaderOne/Docker-Templates-Unraid/master/spaceinvaderone/vm_icon_downloader.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpaceinvaderOne/unraid_vm_icons/master/dockericon.png If you like my work then please buy me a beer! :) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/spaceinvader bridge /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images /unraid_vm_icons rw /mnt/user/appdata/vm_custom_icons /config rw yes windows yes linux yes freebsd yes macos yes other yes stock no delete no tune 30 seconds sleeptimehuman yes yes yes yes yes yes no no 30 seconds /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images /mnt/user/appdata/vm_custom_icons /dev/tty0 1605527802 Tools:Utilities Downloads and installs additional custom VM icons to the Unraid VM Manager. After install Container should be set to auto start. Usage Basic settings 1. Choose which custom icons you want to be installed from the drop downs. 2. Choose wether you want to keep the existing stock vm icons (recommended to keep) 3. Set wether all icons are redownloaded when container starts. Setting this as yes will clear all vm icons then redownload all choosen icons from github repo. Setting to yes will on every start download any new icons in selected sections. (This is also useful if you deceide you no longer want a choosen section of icons anymore) 4. If your server has a beep speaker you can enable a tune to be played each time icons are synced! Advanced settings (under show more settings) 1. You can set how long the container should wait before exiting after syncing icons (default 30 seconds) Other options dont change /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/SpaceInvaderOnesRepository/spaceinvaderone/vm_icon_downloader.xml