splunk atunnecliffe/splunk https://hub.docker.com/r/atunnecliffe/splunk bridge sh false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/80995-support-atunnecliffe-splunk/ https://www.splunk.com/ This is a Dockerfile for Splunk designed for OpenShift and unRAID based on Alpine Linux - https://www.splunk.com If you run the Dockerfile with no arguments you will get a single instance of Splunk 8.1.3 with the user admin:changeme2019. The web interface is exposed on port HTTP/8000, data ingest on TCP/9997, and API on HTTPS/8089. Compatible with Splunk 7.1.0 and newer. http://[IP]:8000 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrew207/splunk/master/splunkunraid.xml https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c4cadc82a16e67018f57f1fc2547caa4.jpg Donate to Dockerfile author via PayPal https://paypal.me/atunnecliffe bridge 8000 8000 tcp 8089 8089 tcp 9997 9997 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/splunkenterprise/splunkdata /splunkdata rw /mnt/user/appdata/splunkenterprise/etc/apps /opt/splunk/etc/apps rw /mnt/user/appdata/splunkenterprise/etc/auth /opt/splunk/etc/auth rw --accept-license --no-prompt SPLUNK_CLI_ARGS changeme2019 ADMIN_PASSWORD 8000 --accept-license --no-prompt changeme2019 8089 9997 1568943898 This is a Dockerfile for Splunk designed for OpenShift and unRAID based on Alpine Linux - https://www.splunk.com If you run the Dockerfile with no arguments you will get a single instance of Splunk 8.1.3 with the user admin:changeme2019. The web interface is exposed on port HTTP/8000, data ingest on TCP/9997, and API on HTTPS/8089. Compatible with Splunk 7.1.0 and newer. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/Andrew207sRepository/splunkunraid.xml