1478494800 Syncthing Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet. https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/xamindar/syncthing/ https://github.com/xamindar/docker-syncthing/tree/master xamindar/syncthing http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39910 true false SYNCTHING_ENABLED yes DISCOVERY_SVR_ENABLED no RELAY_SVR_ENABLED no RELAY_POOL https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint RELAY_GLOBAL_RATE 125000000 RELAY_SESSION_RATE 125000000 RELAY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT 1m0s RELAY_NETWORK_TIMEOUT 2m0s RELAY_PING_INTERVAL 1m0s bridge 8384 8384 tcp 22000 22000 tcp 21027 21027 udp /config rw /mnt/user/syncthing /syncfolders rw https://[IP]:[PORT:8384]/ https://i.imgur.com/xTw0Ci8.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xamindar/docker-templates/master/xamindar/Syncthing.xml true Backup: Cloud: Network:Other Tools:Utilities Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/xamindarsRepository/xamindar/Syncthing.xml