clarkson linuxserver/clarkson bridge bash false Clarkson is a web-based dashboard application that gives you a neat and clean interface for logging your fuel fill-ups for all of your vehicles. The application has full multi-user support, as well as multiple vehicles per user. Whenever you fill-up your car or motorcycle, keep the receipt and record the data in Clarkson.[br][br][b][span style='color: #E80000;']YOU MUST USE MYSQL v5.7.* AND CREATE A DATABASE FIRST, DETAILS IN THE DOCUMENTATION HERE: [br][br] THIS IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MARIADB[/span][/b] Productivity: Status:Stable http://[IP]:[PORT:3000] Donate Clarkson is a web-based dashboard application that gives you a neat and clean interface for logging your fuel fill-ups for all of your vehicles. The application has full multi-user support, as well as multiple vehicles per user. Whenever you fill-up your car or motorcycle, keep the receipt and record the data in Clarkson. bridge 3000 tcp MYSQL_HOST MYSQL_USERNAME MYSQL_PASSWORD true ENABLE_REGISTRATIONS 99 PUID 100 PGID true 99 100