PHPServerMonitor benoitpodwinski/phpservermon bridge sh false PHP Server Monitor checks whether your websites and servers are up and running.Web based user interface where you can manage your checks, users, etc. Email, SMS, Discord, Pushover, Telegram and Jabber notifications. Requires MySQL or MariaDB. http://[IP]:[PORT:80] bridge 7139 80 tcp PSM_BASE_URL PSM_DB_HOST 3306 PSM_DB_PORT phpservermon PSM_DB_NAME phpservermon PSM_DB_USER PSM_DB_PASS UTC PHP_TIMEZONE 120 UPDATE_INTERVAL psm_ PSM_DB_PREFIX 512M PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT 128M MAX_UPLOAD 7139 3306 phpservermon phpservermon UTC 120 psm_ 512M 128M 1616446389 PHP Server Monitor checks whether your websites and servers are up and running.Web based user interface where you can manage your checks, users, etc. Email, SMS, Discord, Pushover, Telegram and Jabber notifications. Requires MySQL or MariaDB. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/CorneliousJDsRepository/phpservermon.xml