#!/usr/bin/php "Backup:","Des" => "Backup"), array("Cat" => "Cloud:","Des" => "Cloud"), array("Cat" => "Downloaders:","Des" => "Downloaders"), array("Cat" => "GameServers:","Des" => "Game Servers"), array("Cat" => "HomeAutomation:","Des" => "Home Automation"), array("Cat" => "Network:", "Des" => "Network Services", "Sub" => array( array("Cat" => "Network:Web","Des" => "Web"), array("Cat" => "Network:DNS","Des" => "DNS"), array("Cat" => "Network:FTP","Des" => "FTP"), array("Cat" => "Network:Proxy","Des" => "Proxy"), array("Cat" => "Network:VOIP","Des" => "VOIP"), array("Cat" => "Network:Management","Des" => "Management"), array("Cat" => "Network:Messenger","Des" => "Messenger"), array("Cat" => "Network:Other","Des" => "Other") ) ), array("Cat" => "MediaServer:", "Des"=>"Media Servers","Sub" => array( array("Cat" => "MediaServer:Video", "Des" => "Video"), array("Cat" => "MediaServer:Music", "Des" => "Music"), array("Cat" => "MediaServer:Books", "Des" => "Books"), array("Cat" => "MediaServer:Photos", "Des" => "Photos"), array("Cat" => "MediaServer:Other", "Des" => "Other") ) ), array("Cat" => "MediaApp:", "Des"=>"Media Applications", "Sub" => array( array("Cat" => "MediaApp:Video", "Des" => "Video"), array("Cat" => "MediaApp:Music", "Des" => "Music"), array("Cat" => "MediaApp:Books", "Des" => "Books"), array("Cat" => "MediaApp:Photos", "Des" => "Photos"), array("Cat" => "MediaApp:Other", "Des" => "Other") ) ), array("Cat" => "Productivity:", "Des" => "Productivity"), array("Cat" => "Tools:","Des"=>"Tools / Utilities", "Sub" => array( array("Cat" => "Tools:System", "Des" => "System"), array("Cat" => "Tools:Utilities", "Des" => "Utilities") ) ), array("Cat" => "Other:", "Des" => "Other"), array("Cat" => "Plugins:", "Des" => "Plugins"), array("Cat" => "Drivers:", "Des" => "Drivers") ); function makeXML($template) { # ensure its a v2 template if the Config entries exist if ( $template['Config'] && ! $template['@attributes'] ) { $template['@attributes'] = array("version"=>2); } fixAttributes($template,"Network"); fixAttributes($template,"Config"); $Array2XML = new Array2XML(); $xml = $Array2XML->createXML("Container",$template); return $xml->saveXML(); } function fixAttributes(&$template,$attribute) { if ( ! is_array($template[$attribute]) ) return; if ( $template[$attribute]['@attributes'] ) { $template[$attribute][0]['@attributes'] = $template[$attribute]['@attributes']; if ( $template[$attribute]['value']) { $template[$attribute][0]['value'] = $template[$attribute]['value']; } unset($template[$attribute]['@attributes']); unset($template[$attribute]['value']); } if ( $template[$attribute] ) { foreach ($template[$attribute] as $tempArray) { $tempArray2[] = $tempArray['value'] ? array('@attributes'=>$tempArray['@attributes'],'@value'=>$tempArray['value']) : array('@attributes'=>$tempArray['@attributes']); } $template[$attribute] = $tempArray2; } } function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { if ( !is_string($haystack) || ! is_string($needle) ) return false; return $needle === "" || strripos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== FALSE; } function validURL($URL) { return filter_var($URL, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); } function get_content_from_registry($url, $current=0) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/'); $content = curl_exec($ch); if( $content === false && $current < 5 ) { sleep(1); $current++; $content = get_content_from_registry( $url, $current ); } curl_close($ch); return $content; } function readJsonFile($filename) { $json = json_decode(@file_get_contents($filename),true); if ( ! is_array($json) ) { $json = array(); } return $json; } function writeJsonFile($filename,$jsonArray) { file_put_contents($filename,json_encode($jsonArray,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } function download_url($url, $path = "", $bg = false){ if ( ! strpos($url,"?") ) { $url .= "?".time(); # append time to always wind up requesting a non cached version } exec("curl --compressed --silent --insecure --location --fail ".($path ? " -o '$path' " : "")." $url ".($bg ? ">/dev/null 2>&1 &" : "2>/dev/null"), $out, $exit_code ); return ($exit_code === 0 ) ? implode("\n", $out) : false; } function download_json($url,$path) { download_url($url,$path); return readJsonFile($path); } function removeBool(&$template) { foreach ($template as &$entry) { if (is_array($entry)) { removeBool($entry); continue; } if ($entry === false) { $entry = ""; } } } function fixSecurity(&$template,&$originalTemplate) { foreach ($template as &$element) { if ( is_array($element) ) { fixSecurity($element,$originalTemplate); } else { $tempElement = htmlspecialchars_decode($element); if ( preg_match('#(.*?)#is',$tempElement) || preg_match('#(.*?)#is',$tempElement) ) { securityViolation($originalTemplate); return; } } } } function securityViolation(&$template) { logger("VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU SEE THIS: Alert the maintainers of Community Applications with the following Information:".$template['RepoName']." ".$emplate['Name']." ".$template['Repository']); $template['Blacklist'] = true; $template['ModeratorComment'] = "Blacklisted due to security violations"; } ################################################ # Returns the author from the Repository entry # ################################################ function getAuthor($template) { if ( !is_string($template['Repository'])) { return false; } if ( $template['Author'] ) { return strip_tags($template['Author']); } $repoEntry = explode("/",$template['Repository']); if (count($repoEntry) < 2) { $repoEntry[] = ""; } return strip_tags(explode(":",$repoEntry[count($repoEntry)-2])[0]); } ################################################################### # Helper function to remove any formatting, etc from descriptions # ################################################################### function fixDescription($Description) { if ( is_string($Description) ) { $Description = preg_replace("#\[br\s*\]#i", "{}", $Description); $Description = preg_replace("#\[b[\\\]*\s*\]#i", "||", $Description); $Description = preg_replace('#\[([^\]]*)\]#', '<$1>', $Description); $Description = preg_replace("#]*>#i", '', $Description); $Description = preg_replace("#"."{}"."#i", '
', $Description); $Description = preg_replace("#"."\|\|"."#i", '', $Description); $Description = str_replace("<","<",$Description); $Description = str_replace(">",">",$Description); $Description = strip_tags($Description); $Description = trim($Description); } else { return ""; } return $Description; } function moderateTemplate($template,$moderation,$repositories) { global $statistics, $appPaths, $master_Categories; foreach ($repositories as $repo) { if ( is_array($repo['duplicated']) ) { $duplicatedTemplate[$repo['url']] = $repo; } } if ( is_array($template['Repository']) ) { # due to cmer $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository'][0]][] = "Fatal: Multiple Repositories Found - Removing application from lists"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; $template['Repository'] = $template['Repository'][0]; } if ( $template['PluginURL'] ) { # due to bonienl $template['PluginURL'] = str_replace("raw.github.com","raw.githubusercontent.com",$template['PluginURL']); $template['Repository'] = $template['PluginURL']; } if ( is_array($template['Description']) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Descriptions Found"; unset($template['Description']); } if ( is_array($template['Overview']) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Overviews Found"; unset($template['Overview']); } if ( $template['Overview'] && $template['Description'] ) { unset($template['Description']); } if ( $template['Description'] ) { $template['Overview'] = $template['Description']; unset($template['Description']); } $repoTestLwrCase = explode(":",$template['Repository']); if ( ($repoTestLwrCase[0] != strtolower($repoTestLwrCase[0])) && ! $template['Plugin'] ) { # due to sdesbure $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: Invalid repository found. Only lowercase is allowed"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( (is_array($template['Support'])) && (count($template['Support'])) ) { unset($template['Support']); $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Support Tags Found"; } if ( strtolower(trim($template['Support'])) == "http://localhost/" ) { # due to siwat unset($template['Support']); $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Invalid support thread (pointed at localhost)"; } if ( ! is_string($template['Name']) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: Name is not a string (or multiple names present)"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( ! is_string($template['Author']) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: No author or multiple authors found - Removing application from lists"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( ! $template['Author'] ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: No author could be determined - Removing application from lists"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( is_array($template['Description']) ) { if ( count($template['Description']) > 1 ) { $template['Description']=""; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: Multiple Description tags present"; $statistics['caFixed']++; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } } if ( is_array($template['Beta']) ) { $template['Beta'] = "false"; $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Beta tags found"; } else { $template['Beta'] = strtolower(stripslashes($template['Beta'])); } $template['Date'] = ( $template['Date'] ) ? strtotime( $template['Date'] ) : $template['DateInstalled']; if ( $template['Date'] > strtotime("+2 day") ) { echo $template['Date']." ".strtotime("+2 day"); $template['Date'] = 0; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Invalid Date Updated (More than 2 days in the future) Format used probably not in http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.date.php"; } if ( is_array($template['WebUI']) && count($template['WebUI'] > 1) ) { $template['WebUI'] = $template['WebUI'][0]; # due to lsio $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple WebUI entries. Assuming first one"; } if ( $template['WebUI'] ) { $template['WebUI'] = trim($template['WebUI']); if ( ! startsWith($template['WebUI'],"http:") && ! startsWith($template['WebUI'],"https:") ) { # due to bender } unset($template['WebUI']); $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Invalid WebUI"; $statistics['caFixed']++; } } if ( is_array($template['Category']) ) { $template['Category'] = $template['Category'][0]; # due to lsio / CHBMB $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Category tags or Category present but empty"; } if ( ! $template['Category'] ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "No Category present on template"; } $ca_Categories = array_column($master_Categories,"Cat"); foreach ($master_Categories as $cat) { if ( is_array($cat['Sub']) ) { $ca_Categories = array_merge($ca_Categories,array_column($cat['Sub'],"Cat")); } } $ca_Categories = array_map('strtolower',$ca_Categories); #Fix where authors make category entries themselves, and don't include the trailing colon (due to #rix1337 and others) $categories = explode(" ",$template['Category']); unset($template['Category']); $colonFlag = false; foreach ($categories as $category) { if (strtolower($category) == "tools:") { # minor change in categories $category = "Tools:Utilities"; } if ( strlen($category) && ! strpos($category,":") ) { if ( ! $colonFlag ) { $colonFlag = true; $statistics['caFixed']++; } $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Improperly formed category entry $category (a colon is always present)"; $category .= ":"; } if ( trim($category) && (strtolower($category) != "status:beta" && strtolower($category) != "status:stable") ) { if ( !in_array(strtolower($category),$ca_Categories) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Unknown category $category"; unset($category); } } if ( $category ) { $template['Category'] .= "$category "; } } $template['Category'] = trim($template['Category']); $template['Category'] = $template['Category'] ?: "Other:Uncategorized"; if ( ! is_string($template['Category']) ) { $template['Category'] = "Other:Uncategorized"; $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Category tags or Category present but empty"; } if ( ! $template['Registry'] && ! $template['Plugin']) { $repository = explode(":",$template['Repository']); $official = ( count(explode("/",$repository[0])) == 1 ) ? "_" : "r"; $template['Registry'] = "https://hub.docker.com/$official/{$repository[0]}"; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting"; } if ( !is_string($template['Overview']) ) { unset($template['Overview']); } if ( is_array($template['SortAuthor']) ) { # due to cmer $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: Multiple Authors / Repositories Found - Removing application from lists"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( is_array($template['PluginURL']) ) { # due to coppit $template['PluginURL'] = $template['PluginURL'][1]; $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: Multiple PluginURL's found"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } $template['OriginalOverview'] = $template['Overview']; $template['OriginalDescription'] = $template['Description']; if ( strlen($template['Overview']) > 0 ) { $template['Description'] = $template['Overview']; $template['Description'] = preg_replace('#\[([^\]]*)\]#', '<$1>', $template['Description']); $template['Description'] = fixDescription($template['Description']); $template['Overview'] = $template['Description']; } else { $template['Overview'] = fixDescription($template['Description']); } if ( ($template['Overview'] == $template['OriginalOverview']) || ! $template['OriginalOverview'] ) { unset($template['OriginalOverview']); } if ( ($template['OriginalDescription'] == $template['Description']) || ! $template['OriginalDescription'] ) { unset($template['OriginalDescription']); } $template['Description'] = is_string($template['Overview']) ? $template['Overview'] : ""; if ( ( ! strlen(trim($template['Overview'])) ) && ( ! strlen(trim($template['Description'])) ) && ! $template['Private'] ){ $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present"; $template['Blacklist'] = true; } if ( is_string($template['Description']) && (stripos($template['Description'],"Converted By Community Applications") !== false) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"; $template['CABlacklist'] = true; $template['CAComment'] = "Obvious CA converted templates are disallowed in appfeed"; } if ( is_string($template['Description']) && (stripos($template['Description']," Converted By @JustinAiken using Community Applications") !== false) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"; $template['CABlacklist'] = true; $template['CAComment'] = "Obvious CA converted templates are disallowed in appfeed"; } if ( ( stripos($template['RepoName'],' beta') > 0 ) ) { $template['Beta'] = "true"; } $template['Support'] = validURL($template['Support']) ?: ""; $template['Project'] = validURL($template['Project']) ?: ""; $template['DonateLink'] = validURL($template['DonateLink']) ?: ""; $template['DonateText'] = str_replace("'","'",$template['DonateText']); $template['DonateText'] = str_replace('"','"',$template['DonateText']); if ( ! $template['Date'] ) { $template['Date'] = (is_numeric($template['DateInstalled'])) ? $template['DateInstalled'] : 0; } #$template['Date'] = max($template['Date'],$template['FirstSeen']); if ($template['Date'] == 1) { # 1 is the default value given by the initial run of appfeed when no date was present unset($template['Date']); } # support v6.2 redefining deprecating the tag and moving it to a category if ( stripos($template['Category'],":Beta") ) { $template['Beta'] = "true"; } else { if ( $template['Beta'] === "true" ) { $template['Category'] .= " Status:Beta"; } } if ( $template['Private'] ) { $statistics = $origStats; } # fix where template author includes or entries in template (CA used booleans, but appfeed winds up saying "FALSE" which equates to be true $template['Deprecated'] = filter_var($template['Deprecated'],FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); $template['Blacklist'] = filter_var($template['Blacklist'],FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); if ( $template['CPUset'] ) { unset($template['CPUset']); $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "CPU pinning removed from template"; } if ( is_string($template['ExtraParams']) ) { if ( strpos($template['ExtraParams'],"--cpuset-cpus") !== false ) { $extraParams = explode(" ",$template['ExtraParams']); foreach ($extraParams as $param) { if ( strpos($param,"--cpuset-cpus") === false ) { $params .= "$param "; } } $template['ExtraParams'] = rtrim($params); $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "CPU pinning removed from template"; } } if ( ! $template['Icon'] && ! $template['IconFA'] || $template['Icon'] == "/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/images/question.png" ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "No Icon specified within the application template"; } if ( is_array($template['Icon']) ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "Multiple Icons found"; unset($template['Icon']); } if ( $template['Icon'] ) { $filename = $appPaths['iconHTTPSbase'].strtolower(str_replace(":","",$template['Repository'])."/".pathinfo($template['Icon'],PATHINFO_BASENAME)); $filename = str_replace("//","/",$filename); $filename = str_replace("%20","_",$filename); if (strpos($filename,"?")) { $filename = strstr($filename,"?",true); } exec("mkdir -p ".pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); if ( download_url($template['Icon'],$filename) === false) { if ( ! is_file($filename) ) { unset($template['Icon']); } } if (pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_EXTENSION) !== "svg") { if ( ! @getimagesize($filename) ) { @unlink($filename); unset($template['Icon']); } } } if ( $template['Icon']) { $template['IconHTTPS'] = str_replace($appPaths['iconHTTPSbase'],"",$filename); } if ( ! $template['Support'] && ! $template['Registry']) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "No Support Link Present"; } if ( ! $template['Support'] && $template['Registry'] ) { $statistics['caFixed']++; $statistics['fixedTemplates'][$template['Repo']][$template['Repository']][] = "No Support Link Present. Using Registry Link instead"; $template['Support'] = $template['Registry']; } $templateTMP = is_array($moderation[$template['Repository']]) ? array_merge($template,$moderation[$template['Repository']]) : $template; if ( $duplicatedTemplate[$templateTMP['RepoURL']]['duplicated'][$template['Repository']] ) { $templateTMP['Blacklist'] = true; $templateTMP['ModeratorComment'] = "Duplicated Template"; } $template['Changes'] = trim($template['Changes']); $template['Overview'] = trim($template['Overview']); $template['Description'] = trim($template['Description']); if ( $templateTMP['Blacklist'] || $templateTMP['CABlacklist'] ) { #save some bandwidth on blacklisted apps since CA won't let them install unset($templateTMP['Registry']); unset($templateTMP['GitHub']); unset($templateTMP['BindTime']); unset($templateTMP['Privileged']); unset($templateTMP['Environment']); unset($templateTMP['Networking']); unset($templateTMP['Network']); unset($templateTMP['Data']); unset($templateTMP['WebUI']); unset($templateTMP['Banner']); unset($templateTMP['Date']); unset($templateTMP['Config']); unset($templateTMP['TemplateURL']); unset($templateTMP['ExtraParams']); unset($templateTMP['PostArgs']); unset($templateTMP['Labels']); unset($templateTMP['OriginalOverview']); unset($templateTMP['OriginalDescription']); unset($templateTMP['Overview']); unset($templateTMP['CPUset']); unset($templateTMP['MyIP']); unset($templateTMP['Shell']); unset($templateTMP['DateInstalled']); } if (! $templateTMP['Blacklist']) { unset($templateTMP['Blacklist']); } if (! $templateTMP['Deprecated']) { unset($templateTMP['Deprecated']); } unset($templateTMP['Banner']); unset($templateTMP['DateInstalled']); unset($templateTMP['RepoURL']); return $templateTMP; } #### begin main if ( is_file($appPaths['Running']) && file_exists("/proc/".@file_get_contents($appPaths['Running'])) ) { echo "Already Running\n"; exit(); } file_put_contents($appPaths['Running'],getmypid()); exec("rm -rf {$appPaths['Root']}"); exec("mkdir -p {$appPaths['Root']}"); $DockerTemplates = new DockerTemplates(); echo "Downloading Repositories"; $repositories = download_json($appPaths['RepositoriesURL'],$appPaths['Repositories']); if ( ! $repositories ) { echo "Failed to download repositories"; @unlink($appPaths['Running']); exit(1); } echo "\nDownloading Moderation"; $moderation = download_json($appPaths['moderationURL'],$appPaths['moderation']); if ( ! $moderation ) { echo "Failed to download moderation file"; @unlink($appPaths['Running']); exit(1); } echo "\n\n\n"; foreach ($repositories as $repo) { $friendlyName = str_replace(array(" ","'",'"','\\',"/"),"",$repo['name']); $localPath = "{$appPaths['Templates']}$friendlyName"; echo "Downloading {$repo['name']}: {$repo['url']} -> $localPath"; $downloadURL = tempnam($appPaths['Root'],"CA-Temp-"); file_put_contents($downloadURL, $repo['url']); for ($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { $downloaded = $DockerTemplates->downloadTemplates($localPath, $downloadURL); if ( $downloaded ) break; sleep(30); @unlink($downloadURL); } if ( ! $downloaded ) { echo " Failed...\n"; } else { $templatePaths[] = $info; echo " Success!\n"; @unlink($downloadURL); foreach ($downloaded[$repo['url']] as $xmlFile) { echo "Processing $xmlFile..."; $xml = file_get_contents($xmlFile); $o = TypeConverter::xmlToArray($xml,TypeConverter::XML_GROUP); if ( $o['TemplateURL'] == 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/$TEMPLATENAME.xml' ) { continue; } if ( ! $o ) { echo "Failed\n"; } if ( ! $o['Repository'] && ! $o['PluginURL'] ) { echo "Not a valid application xml\n"; unset($o); $o['TemplatePath'] = $xmlFile; $apps[] = $o; continue; } $o['Repo'] = $repo['name']; $o['RepoURL'] = $repo['url']; $o['Forum'] = $repo['forum']; $o['Support'] = $o['Support'] ?: $o['Forum']; if ( !is_string($template['Overview']) ) { unset($template['Overview']); } if ( $o['Date'] == 0 || ! $o['Date']) unset($o['Date']); $o['Support'] = validURL($o['Support']) ?: ""; $o['Project'] = validURL($o['Project']) ?: ""; $o['Forum'] = validURL($o['Forum']) ?: ""; $o['DonateLink'] = validURL($o['DonateLink']) ?: $repo['donatelink']; $o['DonateText'] = $o['DonateText'] ?: $repo['DonateText']; $o['Profile'] = $repo['profile']; $o['ModeratorComment'] = $o['ModeratorComment'] ?: $repo['RepoComment']; $o['Deprecated'] = $o['Deprecated'] ?: $repo['Deprecated']; $o['WebPageURL'] = $repo['web']; $o['Logo'] = $repo['logo']; $o['Licence'] = $o['License']; # support both spellings $o['Author'] = getAuthor($o); $o['DockerHubName'] = strtolower($o['Name']); $o['RepoName'] = $o['Repo']; $o['SortAuthor'] = $o['Author']; $o['SortName'] = $o['Name']; if ( $o['PluginURL'] ) { $o['Author'] = $o['PluginAuthor']; $o['Repository'] = $o['PluginURL']; $o['SortAuthor'] = $o['Author']; $o['SortName'] = $o['Name']; if ( strpos($o['Category'],"Plugins:") === false ) { $o['Category'] .= " Plugins: "; } $o['Plugin'] = true; unset($o['Changes']); @unlink($appPaths['PluginTMP']); download_url($o['PluginURL'],$appPaths['PluginTMP']); $version = @plugin("version",$appPaths['PluginTMP']); $minver = @plugin("min",$appPaths['PluginTMP']); $maxver = @plugin("max",$appPaths['PluginTMP']); $name = @plugin("name",$appPaths['PluginTMP']); @unlink($appPaths['PluginTMP']); if ($version) { $o['pluginVersion'] = $version; $version = preg_replace("/[^0-9\.]/","",$version); $version = str_replace(".","-",$version); $versionDate = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d",$version); $o['DateInstalled'] = @date_format($versionDate,"U"); if ( $o['DateInstalled'] ) { $explodeDate = explode("-",$version); $o['DateInstalled'] = mktime(0,0,0,$explodeDate[1],$explodeDate[2],$explodeDate[0]); } } unset($o['Date']); if ($minver) { $o['MinVer'] = $minver; } if ($maxver) { $o['MaxVer'] = $maxver; } if ( $repo['donatelink'] && ! $o['DonateLink'] ) $o['DonateLink'] = $repo['donatelink']; if ( $repo['donatetext'] && ! $o['DonateText'] ) $o['DonateText'] = $repo['donatetext']; } $o = moderateTemplate($o,$moderation,$repositories); if ( !$o['Support'] ) unset($o['Support']); if ( !$o['Project'] ) unset($o['Project']); unset($o['Forum']); if ( !$o['DonateLink'] ) unset($o['DonateLink']); if ( !$o['ModeratorComment'] ) unset($o['ModeratorComment']); if ( !$o['WebPageURL'] ) unset($o['WebPageURL']); unset($o['Logo']); if ( !$o['Licence'] ) unset($o['Licence']); if ( !$o['Changes'] ) unset($o['Changes']); if ( !$o['Beta'] || $o['Beta'] == "false") unset($o['Beta']); if ( !$o['Date'] || $o['Date'] == 0) unset($o['Date']); $o['DonateText'] = str_replace("'","'",$o['DonateText']); $o['DonateText'] = str_replace('"','"',$o['DonateText']); if ( !$o['DonateText'] ) unset($o['DonateText']); if ( ( stripos($o['Repo'],' beta') > 0 ) ) { $template['Beta'] = "true"; } if ( stripos($o['Category'],":Beta") ) { $o['Beta'] = "true"; } else { if ( $o['Beta'] === "true" ) { $o['Category'] .= " Status:Beta"; } } removeBool($o); fixSecurity($o,$o); $apps[] = $o; echo "Success\n"; } echo "\n\n"; } } echo "\n\nUpdating stats on containers\n\n"; $repoInfo = readJsonFile($appPaths['repoInfo']); $firstSeen = readJsonFile($appPaths['firstSeen']); foreach ($apps as $app) { if ( is_array($app['Repository']) ) { continue; } $updateRequired = ( ( ($startTime - $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Time']) > 2592000 ) ); if ( ! $app['PluginURL'] ) { if ( $updateRequired ) { $registry = get_content_from_registry( "https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/".str_replace(":latest","",$app['Repository']) ); $registry_json = json_decode( $registry ); /* $repotmp = $app['Registry']; $repotmp = str_replace( 'https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/', 'https://hub.docker.com/r/', $repotmp ); $repotmp = ( substr( $repotmp, -1) !== '/') ? $repotmp.'/' : $repotmp; $page_data2 = @file_get_contents( $repotmp.'~/dockerfile/' ); $page_data2 = strip_tags( $page_data2 ); $page_data2 = trim( preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $page_data2 ) ); $test3 = explode( 'FROM', $page_data2 ); $base = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $test3[1] )); $base = explode( ' ', trim($base) ); $base = str_replace('Comments', '', $base[0]); if( !empty( $base ) ) { $base_image = $base; } else { $base_image = 'unknown'; } */ $base_image = 'unknown'; $app['Base'] = $base_image; $oldDownloads = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Downloads']; $app['downloads'] = $registry_json->pull_count; $app['stars'] = $registry_json->star_count; if ($oldDownloads && $app['downloads']) { $app['trending'] = round(( ($app['downloads'] - $oldDownloads) / $app['downloads']) * 100,3); $trends = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trends'] ?: array($repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trending']); $trendsDate = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trendsDate'] ?: array(); if ( $app['trending'] ) { $trends[] = $app['trending']; $trendsDate[] = time(); } if ( count($trends) > 13 ) { $trends = array_shift($trends); $trendsDate = array_shift($trendsDate); } $app['trends'] = $trends; $app['trendsDate'] = $trendsDate; if ( $app['downloads'] ) { $downtrend = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['downloadtrend'] ?: array($oldDownloads); } $downtrend[] = $app['downloads']; if ( count($downtrend) > 13 ) { $downtrend = array_shift($downtrend); } $app['downloadtrend'] = $downtrend; } if ( ($app['downloads'] < 10000) || ($oldDownloads < 10000 ) ) { $app['trending'] = 0; } $app['LastUpdateScan'] = time(); echo "{$app['Repository']} Downloads: {$app['downloads']} Stars: {$app['stars']}"; echo " Base: {$app['Base']}\n"; } else { $app['Base'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Base']; $app['downloads'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Downloads']; $app['stars'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Stars']; $app['trending'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trending']; $app['trends'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trends']; $app['trendsDate'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['trendsDate']; $app['downloadtrend'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['downloadtrend']; $app['LastUpdateScan'] = $repoInfo[$app['Repository']]['Time']; if ($app['stars'] == 0 || !$app['stars']) unset($app['stars']); } if ( is_array($app['trends']) ) { $app['trends'] = array_filter($app['trends'], function($value) { return $value !== null; }); $app['trends'] = array_values($app['trends']); } if ( ! $app['trending'] ) { unset($app['trending']); unset($app['trends']); unset($app['downloadtrend']); } if ( ! $app['trends'] ) { unset($app['trends']); unset($app['downloadtrend']); unset($app['trendsDate']); } if ( ! $app['downloadtrend'] ) unset($app['downloadtrend']); if ( ! $app['stars'] ) unset($app['stars']); if ( ! $app['downloads'] ) unset($app['downloads']); if ( $app['Base'] == "unknown" || !$app['Base']) unset($app['Base']); } else { if ( $updateRequired ) { $app['LastUpdateScan'] = time(); } } $appRepo = $app['PluginURL'] ?: $app['Repository']; if ( ! $firstSeen[$appRepo] ) { $firstSeen[$appRepo] = time(); } $app['FirstSeen'] = $firstSeen[$appRepo]; unset($app['Author']); unset($app['DockerHubName']); unset($app['SortName']); unset($app['SortAuthor']); unset($app['RepoName']); if ( ! $o['PluginURL'] ) { $xml = $app; if ( $xml['OriginalOverview'] ) { $xml['Overview'] = $xml['OriginalOverview']; unset($xml['OriginalOverview']); } if ( $xml['OriginalDescription'] ) { $xml['Description'] = $xml['OriginalDescription']; unset($xml['OriginalDescription']); } unset($xml['Network']); unset($xml['MyIP']); unset($xml['Shell']); unset($xml['Privileged']); unset($xml['WebUI']); unset($xml['TemplateURL']); unset($xml['ExtraParams']); unset($xml['PostArgs']); unset($xml['CPUset']); unset($xml['Networking']); unset($xml['Data']); unset($xml['Environment']); unset($xml['Labels']); unset($xml['Config']); unset($xml['BindTime']); unset($xml['Network']); } $newApps[] = $app; if ( $updateRequired ) { $repoInfo[$app['Repository']] = array("Base" => $app['Base'],"Downloads" => $app['downloads'],"Stars" => $app['stars'],"Time" => $app['LastUpdateScan'],"trending" => $app['trending'], "trends" => $app['trends'], "downloadtrend" => $app['downloadtrend'], "trendsDate"=>$app['trendsDate'] ); } } if ( count($newApps) < 500 ) { echo "Something really went wrong. Too few apps"; @unlink($appPaths['Running']); exit(1); } echo "Getting current CA Version"; exec("plugin check community.applications.plg"); $caVersion = exec("plugin version /tmp/plugins/community.applications.plg",$output,$returnVal); if ($returnVal > 0) { unset($caVersion); } else { file_put_contents($appPaths['caVersion'],$caVersion); } rename($appPaths['newAppFeed'],$appPaths['oldAppFeed']); writeJsonFile($appPaths['newAppFeed'],$newApps); $oldApps = readJsonFile($appPaths['oldAppFeed']); if ( $oldApps !== $newApps ) { $appFeed['apps'] = count($newApps); $appFeed['last_updated_timestamp'] = $startTime; $appFeed['last_updated'] = date("Y-m-d H:i",$startTime); $appFeed['categories'] = $master_Categories; $appFeed['applist'] = $newApps; $lastUpdated['last_updated_timestamp'] = $startTime; writeJsonFile($appPaths['AppFeed'],$appFeed); writeJsonFile($appPaths['lastUpdated'],$lastUpdated); } writeJsonFile($appPaths['firstSeen'],$firstSeen); writeJsonFile($appPaths['repoInfo'],$repoInfo); writeJsonFile($appPaths['statistics'],$statistics); echo "\nUpdating GitHub\n\n"; passthru("/tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/updateGit.sh"); @unlink($appPaths['Running']); /** * @copyright Copyright 2006-2012, Miles Johnson - http://milesj.me * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php - Licensed under the MIT License * @link http://milesj.me/code/php/type-converter */ /** * A class that handles the detection and conversion of certain resource formats / content types into other formats. * The current formats are supported: XML, JSON, Array, Object, Serialized * * @version 2.0.0 * @package mjohnson.utility */ class TypeConverter { /** * Disregard XML attributes and only return the value. */ const XML_NONE = 0; /** * Merge attributes and the value into a single dimension; the values key will be "value". */ const XML_MERGE = 1; /** * Group the attributes into a key "attributes" and the value into a key of "value". */ const XML_GROUP = 2; /** * Attributes will only be returned. */ const XML_OVERWRITE = 3; /** * Returns a string for the detected type. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return string * @static */ public static function is($data) { if (self::isArray($data)) { return 'array'; } else if (self::isObject($data)) { return 'object'; } else if (self::isJson($data)) { return 'json'; } else if (self::isSerialized($data)) { return 'serialized'; } else if (self::isXml($data)) { return 'xml'; } return 'other'; } /** * Check to see if data passed is an array. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return boolean * @static */ public static function isArray($data) { return is_array($data); } /** * Check to see if data passed is a JSON object. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return boolean * @static */ public static function isJson($data) { return (@json_decode($data) !== null); } /** * Check to see if data passed is an object. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return boolean * @static */ public static function isObject($data) { return is_object($data); } /** * Check to see if data passed has been serialized. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return boolean * @static */ public static function isSerialized($data) { $ser = @unserialize($data); return ($ser !== false) ? $ser : false; } /** * Check to see if data passed is an XML document. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return boolean * @static */ public static function isXml($data) { $xml = @simplexml_load_string($data); return ($xml instanceof SimpleXmlElement) ? $xml : false; } /** * Transforms a resource into an array. * * @access public * @param mixed $resource * @return array * @static */ public static function toArray($resource) { if (self::isArray($resource)) { return $resource; } else if (self::isObject($resource)) { return self::buildArray($resource); } else if (self::isJson($resource)) { return json_decode($resource, true); } else if ($ser = self::isSerialized($resource)) { return self::toArray($ser); } else if ($xml = self::isXml($resource)) { return self::xmlToArray($xml); } return $resource; } /** * Transforms a resource into a JSON object. * * @access public * @param mixed $resource * @return string (json) * @static */ public static function toJson($resource) { if (self::isJson($resource)) { return $resource; } if ($xml = self::isXml($resource)) { $resource = self::xmlToArray($xml); } else if ($ser = self::isSerialized($resource)) { $resource = $ser; } return json_encode($resource); } /** * Transforms a resource into an object. * * @access public * @param mixed $resource * @return object * @static */ public static function toObject($resource) { if (self::isObject($resource)) { return $resource; } else if (self::isArray($resource)) { return self::buildObject($resource); } else if (self::isJson($resource)) { return json_decode($resource); } else if ($ser = self::isSerialized($resource)) { return self::toObject($ser); } else if ($xml = self::isXml($resource)) { return $xml; } return $resource; } /** * Transforms a resource into a serialized form. * * @access public * @param mixed $resource * @return string * @static */ public static function toSerialize($resource) { if (!self::isArray($resource)) { $resource = self::toArray($resource); } return serialize($resource); } /** * Transforms a resource into an XML document. * * @access public * @param mixed $resource * @param string $root * @return string (xml) * @static */ public static function toXml($resource, $root = 'root') { if (self::isXml($resource)) { return $resource; } $array = self::toArray($resource); if (!empty($array)) { $xml = simplexml_load_string('<'. $root .'>'); $response = self::buildXml($xml, $array); return $response->asXML(); } return $resource; } /** * Turn an object into an array. Alternative to array_map magic. * * @access public * @param object $object * @return array */ public static function buildArray($object) { $array = array(); foreach ($object as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $array[$key] = self::buildArray($value); } else { $array[$key] = $value; } } return $array; } /** * Turn an array into an object. Alternative to array_map magic. * * @access public * @param array $array * @return object */ public static function buildObject($array) { $obj = new \stdClass(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $obj->{$key} = self::buildObject($value); } else { $obj->{$key} = $value; } } return $obj; } /** * Turn an array into an XML document. Alternative to array_map magic. * * @access public * @param object $xml * @param array $array * @return object */ public static function buildXml(&$xml, $array) { if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // XML_NONE if (!is_array($value)) { $xml->addChild($key, $value); continue; } // Multiple nodes of the same name if (isset($value[0])) { foreach ($value as $kValue) { if (is_array($kValue)) { self::buildXml($xml, array($key => $kValue)); } else { $xml->addChild($key, $kValue); } } // XML_GROUP } else if (isset($value['@attributes'])) { if (is_array($value['value'])) { $node = $xml->addChild($key); self::buildXml($node, $value['value']); } else { $node = $xml->addChild($key, $value['value']); } if (!empty($value['@attributes'])) { foreach ($value['@attributes'] as $aKey => $aValue) { $node->addAttribute($aKey, $aValue); } } // XML_MERGE } else if (isset($value['value'])) { $node = $xml->addChild($key, $value['value']); unset($value['value']); if (!empty($value)) { foreach ($value as $aKey => $aValue) { if (is_array($aValue)) { self::buildXml($node, array($aKey => $aValue)); } else { $node->addAttribute($aKey, $aValue); } } } // XML_OVERWRITE } else { $node = $xml->addChild($key); if (!empty($value)) { foreach ($value as $aKey => $aValue) { if (is_array($aValue)) { self::buildXml($node, array($aKey => $aValue)); } else { $node->addChild($aKey, $aValue); } } } } } } return $xml; } /** * Convert a SimpleXML object into an array. * * @access public * @param object $xml * @param int $format * @return array */ public static function xmlToArray($xml, $format = self::XML_GROUP) { if (is_string($xml)) { $xml = @simplexml_load_string($xml); } if ( ! $xml ) { return false; } if (count($xml->children()) <= 0) { return (string)$xml; } $array = array(); foreach ($xml->children() as $element => $node) { $data = array(); if (!isset($array[$element])) { # $array[$element] = ""; $array[$element] = []; } if (!$node->attributes() || $format === self::XML_NONE) { $data = self::xmlToArray($node, $format); } else { switch ($format) { case self::XML_GROUP: $data = array( '@attributes' => array(), 'value' => (string)$node ); if (count($node->children()) > 0) { $data['value'] = self::xmlToArray($node, $format); } foreach ($node->attributes() as $attr => $value) { $data['@attributes'][$attr] = (string)$value; } break; case self::XML_MERGE: case self::XML_OVERWRITE: if ($format === self::XML_MERGE) { if (count($node->children()) > 0) { $data = $data + self::xmlToArray($node, $format); } else { $data['value'] = (string)$node; } } foreach ($node->attributes() as $attr => $value) { $data[$attr] = (string)$value; } break; } } if (count($xml->{$element}) > 1) { $array[$element][] = $data; } else { $array[$element] = $data; } } return $array; } /** * Encode a resource object for UTF-8. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return array|string * @static */ public static function utf8Encode($data) { if (is_string($data)) { return utf8_encode($data); } else if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[utf8_encode($key)] = self::utf8Encode($value); } } else if (is_object($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data->{$key} = self::utf8Encode($value); } } return $data; } /** * Decode a resource object for UTF-8. * * @access public * @param mixed $data * @return array|string * @static */ public static function utf8Decode($data) { if (is_string($data)) { return utf8_decode($data); } else if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data[utf8_decode($key)] = self::utf8Decode($value); } } else if (is_object($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data->{$key} = self::utf8Decode($value); } } return $data; } } /** * Array2XML: A class to convert array in PHP to XML * It also takes into account attributes names unlike SimpleXML in PHP * It returns the XML in form of DOMDocument class for further manipulation. * It throws exception if the tag name or attribute name has illegal chars. * * Author : Lalit Patel * Website: http://www.lalit.org/lab/convert-php-array-to-xml-with-attributes * License: Apache License 2.0 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Version: 0.1 (10 July 2011) * Version: 0.2 (16 August 2011) * - replaced htmlentities() with htmlspecialchars() (Thanks to Liel Dulev) * - fixed a edge case where root node has a false/null/0 value. (Thanks to Liel Dulev) * Version: 0.3 (22 August 2011) * - fixed tag sanitize regex which didn't allow tagnames with single character. * Version: 0.4 (18 September 2011) * - Added support for CDATA section using @cdata instead of @value. * Version: 0.5 (07 December 2011) * - Changed logic to check numeric array indices not starting from 0. * Version: 0.6 (04 March 2012) * - Code now doesn't @cdata to be placed in an empty array * Version: 0.7 (24 March 2012) * - Reverted to version 0.5 * Version: 0.8 (02 May 2012) * - Removed htmlspecialchars() before adding to text node or attributes. * * Usage: * $xml = Array2XML::createXML('root_node_name', $php_array); * echo $xml->saveXML(); */ class Array2XML { private static $xml = null; private static $encoding = 'UTF-8'; /** * Initialize the root XML node [optional] * @param $version * @param $encoding * @param $format_output */ public static function init($version = '1.0', $encoding = 'UTF-8', $format_output = true) { self::$xml = new DomDocument($version, $encoding); self::$xml->formatOutput = $format_output; self::$encoding = $encoding; } /** * Convert an Array to XML * @param string $node_name - name of the root node to be converted * @param array $arr - aray to be converterd * @return DomDocument */ public static function &createXML($node_name, $arr=array()) { $xml = self::getXMLRoot(); $xml->appendChild(self::convert($node_name, $arr)); self::$xml = null; // clear the xml node in the class for 2nd time use. return $xml; } /** * Convert an Array to XML * @param string $node_name - name of the root node to be converted * @param array $arr - aray to be converterd * @return DOMNode */ private static function &convert($node_name, $arr=array()) { //print_arr($node_name); $xml = self::getXMLRoot(); $node = $xml->createElement($node_name); if(is_array($arr)){ // get the attributes first.; if(isset($arr['@attributes'])) { foreach($arr['@attributes'] as $key => $value) { if(!self::isValidTagName($key)) { throw new Exception('[Array2XML] Illegal character in attribute name. attribute: '.$key.' in node: '.$node_name); } $node->setAttribute($key, self::bool2str($value)); } unset($arr['@attributes']); //remove the key from the array once done. } // check if it has a value stored in @value, if yes store the value and return // else check if its directly stored as string if(isset($arr['@value'])) { $node->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(self::bool2str($arr['@value']))); unset($arr['@value']); //remove the key from the array once done. //return from recursion, as a note with value cannot have child nodes. return $node; } else if(isset($arr['@cdata'])) { $node->appendChild($xml->createCDATASection(self::bool2str($arr['@cdata']))); unset($arr['@cdata']); //remove the key from the array once done. //return from recursion, as a note with cdata cannot have child nodes. return $node; } } //create subnodes using recursion if(is_array($arr)){ // recurse to get the node for that key foreach($arr as $key=>$value){ if(!self::isValidTagName($key)) { throw new Exception('[Array2XML] Illegal character in tag name. tag: '.$key.' in node: '.$node_name); } if(is_array($value) && is_numeric(key($value))) { // MORE THAN ONE NODE OF ITS KIND; // if the new array is numeric index, means it is array of nodes of the same kind // it should follow the parent key name foreach($value as $k=>$v){ $node->appendChild(self::convert($key, $v)); } } else { // ONLY ONE NODE OF ITS KIND $node->appendChild(self::convert($key, $value)); } unset($arr[$key]); //remove the key from the array once done. } } // after we are done with all the keys in the array (if it is one) // we check if it has any text value, if yes, append it. if(!is_array($arr)) { $node->appendChild($xml->createTextNode(self::bool2str($arr))); } return $node; } /* * Get the root XML node, if there isn't one, create it. */ private static function getXMLRoot(){ if(empty(self::$xml)) { self::init(); } return self::$xml; } /* * Get string representation of boolean value */ private static function bool2str($v){ //convert boolean to text value. $v = $v === true ? 'true' : $v; $v = $v === false ? 'false' : $v; return $v; } /* * Check if the tag name or attribute name contains illegal characters * Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#sec-common-syn */ private static function isValidTagName($tag){ $pattern = '/^[a-z_]+[a-z0-9\:\-\.\_]*[^:]*$/i'; return preg_match($pattern, $tag, $matches) && $matches[0] == $tag; } } /** * XML2Array: A class to convert XML to array in PHP * It returns the array which can be converted back to XML using the Array2XML script * It takes an XML string or a DOMDocument object as an input. * * See Array2XML: http://www.lalit.org/lab/convert-php-array-to-xml-with-attributes * * Author : Lalit Patel * Website: http://www.lalit.org/lab/convert-xml-to-array-in-php-xml2array * License: Apache License 2.0 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Version: 0.1 (07 Dec 2011) * Version: 0.2 (04 Mar 2012) * Fixed typo 'DomDocument' to 'DOMDocument' * * Usage: * $array = XML2Array::createArray($xml); */ class XML2Array { private static $xml = null; private static $encoding = 'UTF-8'; /** * Initialize the root XML node [optional] * @param $version * @param $encoding * @param $format_output */ public static function init($version = '1.0', $encoding = 'UTF-8', $format_output = true) { self::$xml = new DOMDocument($version, $encoding); self::$xml->formatOutput = $format_output; self::$encoding = $encoding; } /** * Convert an XML to Array * @param string $node_name - name of the root node to be converted * @param array $arr - aray to be converterd * @return DOMDocument */ public static function &createArray($input_xml) { $xml = self::getXMLRoot(); if(is_string($input_xml)) { $parsed = $xml->loadXML($input_xml); if(!$parsed) { throw new Exception('[XML2Array] Error parsing the XML string.'); } } else { if(get_class($input_xml) != 'DOMDocument') { throw new Exception('[XML2Array] The input XML object should be of type: DOMDocument.'); } $xml = self::$xml = $input_xml; } $array[$xml->documentElement->tagName] = self::convert($xml->documentElement); self::$xml = null; // clear the xml node in the class for 2nd time use. return $array; } /** * Convert an Array to XML * @param mixed $node - XML as a string or as an object of DOMDocument * @return mixed */ private static function &convert($node) { $output = array(); switch ($node->nodeType) { case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: $output['@cdata'] = trim($node->textContent); break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: $output = trim($node->textContent); break; case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: // for each child node, call the covert function recursively for ($i=0, $m=$node->childNodes->length; $i<$m; $i++) { $child = $node->childNodes->item($i); $v = self::convert($child); if(isset($child->tagName)) { $t = $child->tagName; // assume more nodes of same kind are coming if(!isset($output[$t])) { $output[$t] = array(); } $output[$t][] = $v; } else { //check if it is not an empty text node if($v !== '') { $output = $v; } } } if(is_array($output)) { // if only one node of its kind, assign it directly instead if array($value); foreach ($output as $t => $v) { if(is_array($v) && count($v)==1) { $output[$t] = $v[0]; } } if(empty($output)) { //for empty nodes $output = ''; } } // loop through the attributes and collect them if($node->attributes->length) { $a = array(); foreach($node->attributes as $attrName => $attrNode) { $a[$attrName] = (string) $attrNode->value; } // if its an leaf node, store the value in @value instead of directly storing it. if(!is_array($output)) { $output = array('@value' => $output); } $output['@attributes'] = $a; } break; } return $output; } /* * Get the root XML node, if there isn't one, create it. */ private static function getXMLRoot(){ if(empty(self::$xml)) { self::init(); } return self::$xml; } } class DockerTemplates { public $verbose = false; private function debug($m) { if ($this->verbose) echo $m."\n"; } private function removeDir($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $files = array_diff(scandir($path), ['.', '..']); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->removeDir(realpath($path).'/'.$file); } return rmdir($path); } elseif (is_file($path)) return unlink($path); return false; } public function download_url($url, $path='', $bg=false) { exec('curl --silent --insecure --location --fail '.($path ? ' -o '.escapeshellarg($path) : '').' '.escapeshellarg($url).' '.($bg ? '>/dev/null 2>&1 &' : '2>/dev/null'), $out, $exit_code); return $exit_code===0 ? implode("\n", $out) : false; } public function listDir($root, $ext=null) { $iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD); $paths = []; foreach ($iter as $path => $fileinfo) { $fext = $fileinfo->getExtension(); if ($ext && $ext != $fext) continue; if (substr(basename($path),0,1) == ".") continue; if ($fileinfo->isFile()) $paths[] = ['path' => $path, 'prefix' => basename(dirname($path)), 'name' => $fileinfo->getBasename(".$fext")]; } return $paths; } public function getTemplates($type) { global $dockerManPaths; $tmpls = $dirs = []; switch ($type) { case 'all': $dirs[] = $dockerManPaths['templates-user']; $dirs[] = $dockerManPaths['templates-usb']; break; case 'user': $dirs[] = $dockerManPaths['templates-user']; break; case 'default': $dirs[] = $dockerManPaths['templates-usb']; break; default: $dirs[] = $type; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) @mkdir($dir, 0755, true); $tmpls = array_merge($tmpls, $this->listDir($dir, 'xml')); } array_multisort(array_column($tmpls,'name'), SORT_NATURAL|SORT_FLAG_CASE, $tmpls); return $tmpls; } public function downloadTemplates($Dest=null, $Urls=null) { global $dockerManPaths; $Dest = $Dest ?: $dockerManPaths['templates-usb']; $Urls = $Urls ?: $dockerManPaths['template-repos']; $repotemplates = $output = []; $tmp_dir = '/tmp/tmp-'.mt_rand(); if (!file_exists($dockerManPaths['template-repos'])) { @mkdir(dirname($dockerManPaths['template-repos']), 0777, true); @file_put_contents($dockerManPaths['template-repos'], 'https://github.com/limetech/docker-templates'); } $urls = @file($Urls, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); if (!is_array($urls)) return false; //$this->debug("\nURLs:\n ".implode("\n ", $urls)); $github_api_regexes = [ '%/.*github.com/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/tree/([^/]*)/(.*)$%i', '%/.*github.com/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/tree/([^/]*)$%i', '%/.*github.com/([^/]*)/(.*).git%i', '%/.*github.com/([^/]*)/(.*)%i' ]; foreach ($urls as $url) { $github_api = ['url' => '']; foreach ($github_api_regexes as $api_regex) { if (preg_match($api_regex, $url, $matches)) { $github_api['user'] = $matches[1] ?? ''; $github_api['repo'] = $matches[2] ?? ''; $github_api['branch'] = $matches[3] ?? 'master'; $github_api['path'] = $matches[4] ?? ''; $github_api['url'] = sprintf('https://github.com/%s/%s/archive/%s.tar.gz', $github_api['user'], $github_api['repo'], $github_api['branch']); break; } } // if after above we don't have a valid url, check for GitLab if (empty($github_api['url'])) { $source = file_get_contents($url); // the following should always exist for GitLab Community Edition or GitLab Enterprise Edition if (preg_match("//", $source) > 0) { $parse = parse_url($url); $custom_api_regexes = [ '%/'.$parse['host'].'/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/tree/([^/]*)/(.*)$%i', '%/'.$parse['host'].'/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/tree/([^/]*)$%i', '%/'.$parse['host'].'/([^/]*)/(.*).git%i', '%/'.$parse['host'].'/([^/]*)/(.*)%i', ]; foreach ($custom_api_regexes as $api_regex) { if (preg_match($api_regex, $url, $matches)) { $github_api['user'] = $matches[1] ?? ''; $github_api['repo'] = $matches[2] ?? ''; $github_api['branch'] = $matches[3] ?? 'master'; $github_api['path'] = $matches[4] ?? ''; $github_api['url'] = sprintf('https://'.$parse['host'].'/%s/%s/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=%s', $github_api['user'], $github_api['repo'], $github_api['branch']); break; } } } } if (empty($github_api['url'])) { //$this->debug("\n Cannot parse URL ".$url." for Templates."); continue; } if ($this->download_url($github_api['url'], "$tmp_dir.tar.gz") === false) { //$this->debug("\n Download ".$github_api['url']." has failed."); @unlink("$tmp_dir.tar.gz"); return null; } else { @mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true); shell_exec("tar -zxf $tmp_dir.tar.gz --strip=1 -C $tmp_dir/ 2>&1"); unlink("$tmp_dir.tar.gz"); } $tmplsStor = []; //$this->debug("\n Templates found in ".$github_api['url']); foreach ($this->getTemplates($tmp_dir) as $template) { $storPath = sprintf('%s/%s', $Dest, str_replace($tmp_dir.'/', '', $template['path'])); $tmplsStor[] = $storPath; if (!is_dir(dirname($storPath))) @mkdir(dirname($storPath), 0777, true); if (is_file($storPath)) { if (sha1_file($template['path']) === sha1_file($storPath)) { //$this->debug(" Skipped: ".$template['prefix'].'/'.$template['name']); continue; } else { @copy($template['path'], $storPath); //$this->debug(" Updated: ".$template['prefix'].'/'.$template['name']); } } else { @copy($template['path'], $storPath); //$this->debug(" Added: ".$template['prefix'].'/'.$template['name']); } } $repotemplates = array_merge($repotemplates, $tmplsStor); $output[$url] = $tmplsStor; $this->removeDir($tmp_dir); } // Delete any templates not in the repos foreach ($this->listDir($Dest, 'xml') as $arrLocalTemplate) { if (!in_array($arrLocalTemplate['path'], $repotemplates)) { unlink($arrLocalTemplate['path']); //$this->debug(" Removed: ".$arrLocalTemplate['prefix'].'/'.$arrLocalTemplate['name']."\n"); // Any other files left in this template folder? if not delete the folder too $files = array_diff(scandir(dirname($arrLocalTemplate['path'])), ['.', '..']); if (empty($files)) { rmdir(dirname($arrLocalTemplate['path'])); //$this->debug(" Removed: ".$arrLocalTemplate['prefix']); } } } return $output; } public function getTemplateValue($Repository, $field, $scope='all') { foreach ($this->getTemplates($scope) as $file) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load($file['path']); $TemplateRepository = DockerUtil::ensureImageTag($doc->getElementsByTagName('Repository')->item(0)->nodeValue); if ($Repository == $TemplateRepository) { $TemplateField = $doc->getElementsByTagName($field)->item(0)->nodeValue; return trim($TemplateField); } } return null; } public function getUserTemplate($Container) { foreach ($this->getTemplates('user') as $file) { $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8'); $doc->load($file['path']); $Name = $doc->getElementsByTagName('Name')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($Name==$Container) return $file['path']; } return false; } private function getControlURL(&$ct, $myIP) { global $host; $port = &$ct['Ports'][0]; $myIP = $myIP ?: $this->getTemplateValue($ct['Image'], 'MyIP') ?: ($ct['NetworkMode']=='host'||$port['NAT'] ? $host : ($port['IP'] ?: DockerUtil::myIP($ct['Name']))); $WebUI = preg_replace("%\[IP\]%", $myIP, $this->getTemplateValue($ct['Image'], 'WebUI')); if (preg_match("%\[PORT:(\d+)\]%", $WebUI, $matches)) { $ConfigPort = $matches[1]; foreach ($ct['Ports'] as $port) { if ($port['NAT'] && $port['PrivatePort']==$ConfigPort) {$ConfigPort = $port['PublicPort']; break;} } $WebUI = preg_replace("%\[PORT:\d+\]%", $ConfigPort, $WebUI); } return $WebUI; } public function getAllInfo($reload=false) { global $dockerManPaths, $host; $DockerClient = new DockerClient(); $DockerUpdate = new DockerUpdate(); //$DockerUpdate->verbose = $this->verbose; $info = DockerUtil::loadJSON($dockerManPaths['webui-info']); $autoStart = array_map('var_split', @file($dockerManPaths['autostart-file'], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) ?: []); foreach ($DockerClient->getDockerContainers() as $ct) { $name = $ct['Name']; $image = $ct['Image']; $tmp = &$info[$name] ?? []; $tmp['running'] = $ct['Running']; $tmp['paused'] = $ct['Paused']; $tmp['autostart'] = in_array($name, $autoStart); $tmp['cpuset'] = $ct['CPUset']; if (!is_file($tmp['icon']) || $reload) $tmp['icon'] = $this->getIcon($image); if ($ct['Running']) { $port = &$ct['Ports'][0]; $ip = ($ct['NetworkMode']=='host'||$port['NAT'] ? $host : $port['IP']); $tmp['url'] = strpos($tmp['url'],$ip)!==false ? $tmp['url'] : $this->getControlURL($ct, $ip); $tmp['shell'] = $tmp['shell'] ?? $this->getTemplateValue($image, 'Shell'); } $tmp['registry'] = $tmp['registry'] ?? $this->getTemplateValue($image, 'Registry'); $tmp['Support'] = $tmp['Support'] ?? $this->getTemplateValue($image, 'Support'); $tmp['Project'] = $tmp['Project'] ?? $this->getTemplateValue($image, 'Project'); if (!$tmp['updated'] || $reload) { if ($reload) $DockerUpdate->reloadUpdateStatus($image); $vs = $DockerUpdate->getUpdateStatus($image); $tmp['updated'] = $vs===null ? null : ($vs===true ? 'true' : 'false'); } if (!$tmp['template'] || $reload) $tmp['template'] = $this->getUserTemplate($name); if ($reload) $DockerUpdate->updateUserTemplate($name); //$this->debug("\n$name"); //foreach ($tmp as $c => $d) $this->debug(sprintf(' %-10s: %s', $c, $d)); } DockerUtil::saveJSON($dockerManPaths['webui-info'], $info); return $info; } public function getIcon($Repository) { global $docroot, $dockerManPaths; $imgUrl = $this->getTemplateValue($Repository, 'Icon'); preg_match_all("/(.*?):([\S]*$)/i", $Repository, $matches); $name = preg_replace("%\/|\\\%", '-', $matches[1][0]); $version = $matches[2][0]; $iconRAM = sprintf('%s/%s-%s-%s.png', $dockerManPaths['images-ram'], $name, $version, 'icon'); $iconUSB = sprintf('%s/%s-%s-%s.png', $dockerManPaths['images-usb'], $name, $version, 'icon'); if (!is_dir(dirname($iconRAM))) mkdir(dirname($iconRAM), 0755, true); if (!is_dir(dirname($iconUSB))) mkdir(dirname($iconUSB), 0755, true); if (!is_file($iconRAM)) { if (!is_file($iconUSB)) $this->download_url($imgUrl, $iconUSB); @copy($iconUSB, $iconRAM); } return (is_file($iconRAM)) ? str_replace($docroot, '', $iconRAM) : ''; } } ?>