OpenTTD ich777/openttdserver bridge sh false This Docker will download and install the version of OpenTTD that you enter in the variable 'Game Version to Install' (if you define 'latest' it will always pull the latest build). WEB CONSOLE: You can connect to the OpenTTD console by opening your browser and go to HOSTIP:9015 (eg: or click on WebUI on the Docker page within Unraid. ATTENTION: First start and updates can take very long time (Also note: Assigning fewer cores for compiling will result in slower startup on the first start up and updates, RECOMMENDED: leave the 'Compile Cores' blank to use all available cores). Update Notice: If there is a newer version if set to 'latest' simply restart the container to update it to the latest version. If you want to update from an older build simply set the new build number or set to latest. You can also downgrade to another version. http://[IP]:[PORT:9015]/ --restart=unless-stopped If you like my work please bridge 3979 3979 tcp 3979 3979 udp 9015 8080 tcp /mnt/cache/appdata/openttd /serverdata/serverfiles rw GAME_PARAMS latest GAME_VERSION latest GFX_PK_V COMPILE_CORES 99 UID 100 GID /mnt/cache/appdata/openttd 3979 3979 9015 latest latest 99 100 This Docker will download and install the version of OpenTTD that you enter in the variable 'Game Version to Install' (if you define 'latest' it will always pull the latest build). WEB CONSOLE: You can connect to the OpenTTD console by opening your browser and go to HOSTIP:9015 (eg: or click on WebUI on the Docker page within Unraid. ATTENTION: First start and updates can take very long time (Also note: Assigning fewer cores for compiling will result in slower startup on the first start up and updates, RECOMMENDED: leave the 'Compile Cores' blank to use all available cores). Update Notice: If there is a newer version if set to 'latest' simply restart the container to update it to the latest version. If you want to update from an older build simply set the new build number or set to latest. You can also downgrade to another version. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/OpenTTD.xml