xteve_guide2go alturismo/xteve_guide2go https://hub.docker.com/r/alturismo/xteve_guide2go host sh false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/81786-support-alturismo-repos/ https://github.com/alturismo/xteve_guide2go xteve, guide2go in one docker with cron setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .json files into your mounted /guide2go folder docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".json to test the cronjob functions docker exec -it <dockername> ./config/cronjob.sh included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off) xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei website: http://xteve.de Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/465222357754314767/465222357754314773 guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei github: https://github.com/mar-mei/guide2go Schedules Direct web: http://www.schedulesdirect.org/ some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend http://[IP]:[PORT:34400]/web/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alturismo/unraid_templates/master/my-xteve_guide2go.xml https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/53275662?s=460&v=4 host /config rw /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/ /root/.xteve/ rw /tmp/xteve rw /TVH rw /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/guide2go/ /guide2go rw /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/ /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/guide2go/ true 1564137838 xteve, guide2go in one docker with cron setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .json files into your mounted /guide2go folder docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".json to test the cronjob functions docker exec -it ./config/cronjob.sh included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off) xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei website: http://xteve.de Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/465222357754314767/465222357754314773 guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei github: https://github.com/mar-mei/guide2go Schedules Direct web: http://www.schedulesdirect.org/ some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/alturismosRepository/my-xteve_guide2go.xml