TeamCity-BuildAgent jetbrains/teamcity-agent bridge sh true This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image. The TeamCity build agent connects to the TeamCity server and spawns the actual build processes. You can use the jetbrains/teamcity-server image to run a TeamCity server. This image adds a TeamCity agent suitable for Java development. It is based on jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent but gives you more benefits, e.g. client-side checkout if you use 'git' or 'mercurial' more bundled build tools 'docker-in-docker' on Linux bridge /mnt/user/appdata/teamcity-buildagent /data/teamcity_agent/conf rw /opt/buildagent/work rw /opt/buildagent/temp rw buildagent_volumes /var/lib/docker rw SERVER_URL Phil Coulson AGENT_NAME start DOCKER_IN_DOCKER Phil Coulson /mnt/user/appdata/teamcity-buildagent buildagent_volumes start 1557045872 Productivity: Other: This is an official JetBrains TeamCity build agent image. The TeamCity build agent connects to the TeamCity server and spawns the actual build processes. You can use the jetbrains/teamcity-server image to run a TeamCity server. This image adds a TeamCity agent suitable for Java development. It is based on jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent but gives you more benefits, e.g. client-side checkout if you use 'git' or 'mercurial' more bundled build tools 'docker-in-docker' on Linux /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/Josh.5sRepository/josh5/teamcity-agent.xml