rstudio rocker/rstudio bridge sh false ***NOTE*** First run is slow. RStudio Server with an emphasis on reproducibility. Builds on debian stable (debian:jessie for versions &lt; 3.4.0, debian:stretch after, etc) release. This stack installs a fixed version of R itself from source and it installs all R packages from a fixed snapshot of CRAN at a given date. Users should include the version tag, e.g. rocker/rstudio:3.3.1 when reproduciblity is paramount. http://[IP]:[PORT:8787];s=200 bridge 8787 tcp 3838 tcp /mnt/user /home/rstudio/Documents rw yourpasswordhere PASSWORD FALSE ROOT ADD 8787 yourpasswordhere FALSE shiny 3838 /mnt/user 1575060407 Productivity: ***NOTE*** First run is slow. RStudio Server with an emphasis on reproducibility. Builds on debian stable (debian:jessie for versions < 3.4.0, debian:stretch after, etc) release. This stack installs a fixed version of R itself from source and it installs all R packages from a fixed snapshot of CRAN at a given date. Users should include the version tag, e.g. rocker/rstudio:3.3.1 when reproduciblity is paramount. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/DavidSpeksRepository/rstudio-server.xml