Nightscout nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor-travis:latest bridge bash false Allows the installation of Nightscout, a remote CGM monitoring system. It allows the upload and display of blood glucous values and can be configuered to issue warnings etc. This is mainly useful to diabetics. For more information see: Note that this container only contains the required data to run the website. For data logging, a MongoDB instance is necessary. Configuration of Nightscout is done over variables that are passed through Docker. For ease of use, only required and important variables are exposed by default. For an extensive list of all variables, please refer to: http://[IP]:[PORT:1337] bridge 1337 1337 tcp 1337 mongodb://db-user:db-password@mongodb-instance:port/db-name delta direction upbat timeago devicestatus errorcodes ar2 simplealarms profile colors 24 true Cloud: Allows the installation of Nightscout, a remote CGM monitoring system. It allows the upload and display of blood glucous values and can be configuered to issue warnings etc. This is mainly useful to diabetics. For more information see: Note that this container only contains the required data to run the website. For data logging, a MongoDB instance is necessary. Configuration of Nightscout is done over variables that are passed through Docker. For ease of use, only required and important variables are exposed by default. For an extensive list of all variables, please refer to: /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/opal06sRepository/Nightscout_template.xml