Pushover-On-Start ich777/pushover-on-start https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/pushover-on-start bridge sh false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/83786-support-ich777-application-dockers/ https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/pushover-on-start This is a simple container that sends a message when the container is started (needed this for a headless machine to know when I can connect or better speaking start up the VM's with WOL). https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/donegear.png If you like my work please https://www.paypal.me/chips777 bridge PUSHOVER_APP_TOKEN PUSHOVER_USER_TOKEN Startup Complete PUSHOVER_TITLE Server is now Online! PUSHOVER_MESSAGE 0 PUSHOVER_PRIORITY Startup Complete Server is now Online! 0 This is a simple container that sends a message when the container is started (needed this for a headless machine to know when I can connect or better speaking start up the VM's with WOL). /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/Pushover-On-Start.xml