Windward ich777/windward bridge sh false This Docker will download and install Windwardand run it. CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u windward -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS Windward' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place. --restart=unless-stopped If you like my work please bridge 5127 5127 tcp /mnt/cache/appdata/windward /windward rw -name "Docker Windward" -world "World" -tcp 5127 -public GAME_PARAMS ADMIN FORCE_UPDATE 99 UID 100 GID /mnt/cache/appdata/windward -name "Docker Windward" -world "World" -tcp 5127 -public 5127 99 100 This Docker will download and install Windwardand run it. CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u windward -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS Windward' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/Windward.xml