false SNIProxy Buy Me a Coffee https://ko-fi.com/I2I0CW9G https://az743702.vo.msecnd.net/cdn/kofi4.png?v=0 When running a LAN Cache and overriding DNS entries, there are some services including the Origin launcher which will try and use HTTPS to talk to one of the hostnames that are being overridden. This breaks updates to the Origin client. The solution is to run this container SNI Proxy. This accepts the HTTPS requests, looks at the host being requested and sends the request on to the correct server. Please see https://squishedmooo.com/?p=1 for install instructions! You will need them! http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=55931.0 https://hub.docker.com/r/steamcache/sniproxy/ https://steamcache.github.io/ steamcache/sniproxy:latest bridge bridge 443 443 tcp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheesemarathon/docker-templates/master/images/steamcache.png 443 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cheesemarathon/docker-templates/master/cheesemarathon/sniproxy.xml true When running a LAN Cache and overriding DNS entries, there are some services including the Origin launcher which will try and use HTTPS to talk to one of the hostnames that are being overridden. This breaks updates to the Origin client. The solution is to run this container SNI Proxy. This accepts the HTTPS requests, looks at the host being requested and sends the request on to the correct server. Please see https://squishedmooo.com/?p=1 for install instructions! You will need them! /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/cheesemarathonsRepository/cheesemarathon/sniproxy.xml