MineOS-node hexparrot/mineos https://hub.docker.com/r/clowrym/mineos-docker/ bridge false https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/60143-support-clowryms-docker-repository/?tab=comments#comment-591570 MineOS is a server front-end to ease managing Minecraft administrative tasks. This iteration using Node.js aims to enhance previous MineOS scripts (Python-based), by leveraging the event-triggering, asyncronous model of Node.JS and websockets.[br] [br] This allows the front-end to provide system health, disk and memory usage, and logging in real-time. [br] Default Username: mc[br] Default password: mypass[br] Please change your password[br] [br] Default configuration:[br] Web Port: 8443[br] Dynmap Port: 8125[br] Minecraft Ports (10 by default): 25565-25575[br] Container Path: /var/games/minecraft[br] Storage Path (optional for faster server back-ups if using plugins like dynmap): /mnt/data [br] Ubuntu, latest commit By Hexparrot https://[IP]:[PORT:8443] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clowrym/docker-templates/master/Mineos-node(Ubuntu).xml https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr-minecraft-mod-exiles/images/f/f2/Minecraft_server_setup.png/revision/latest?cb=20160911172557 bridge 25565-25575 25565-25575 tcp 8443 8443 tcp 8120-8126 8120-8126 tcp 25565 25565 udp /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft/ /var/games/minecraft rw /mnt/cache/minecraft /mnt/data rw mypass USER_PASSWORD 25565-25575 /mnt/cache/appdata/minecraft/ 8443 mypass /mnt/cache/minecraft 8120-8126 25565 1490452142 MineOS is a server front-end to ease managing Minecraft administrative tasks. This iteration using Node.js aims to enhance previous MineOS scripts (Python-based), by leveraging the event-triggering, asyncronous model of Node.JS and websockets. This allows the front-end to provide system health, disk and memory usage, and logging in real-time. Default Username: mc Default password: mypass Please change your password Default configuration: Web Port: 8443 Dynmap Port: 8125 Minecraft Ports (10 by default): 25565-25575 Container Path: /var/games/minecraft Storage Path (optional for faster server back-ups if using plugins like dynmap): /mnt/data Ubuntu, latest commit By Hexparrot /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/clowrymsRepository/Mineos-node(Ubuntu).xml