postgres-backup-local prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local bridge sh false Backup PostgresSQL to the local filesystem with periodic rotating backups, based on schickling/postgres-backup-s3. Backup multiple databases from the same host by setting the database names in POSTGRES_DB separated by commas or spaces. Restore examples: DB: nextcloud USER: muwahhid zcat /mnt/user/Backups/Postgres/Backups/daily/nextcloud-20210218-235636.sql.gz | docker exec -i testsql psql --username=muwahhid --dbname=nextcloud -W bridge /mnt/user/appdata/pgbackups /var/opt/pgbackups rw /mnt/user/appdata/pgbackups/data /var/lib/postgresql/data rw /mnt/user/Backups/Postgres/Backups /backups rw POSTGRES_HOST 5432 POSTGRES_PORT postgres, nextcloud, traccar, joplin, wikijs, authelia POSTGRES_DB postgress_root_user POSTGRES_USER postgress_root_password POSTGRES_PASSWORD -Z9 --schema=public --blobs POSTGRES_EXTRA_OPTS @hourly SCHEDULE 7 BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS 4 BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS 6 BACKUP_KEEP_MONTHS 9080 HEALTHCHECK_PORT /mnt/user/appdata/pgbackups /mnt/user/appdata/pgbackups/data /mnt/user/Backups 5432 postgres, nextcloud, traccar, joplin, wikijs, authelia postgres_root_user postgres_root_password -Z9 --schema=public --blobs @hourly 7 4 6 9080 1613684012 Backup PostgresSQL to the local filesystem with periodic rotating backups, based on schickling/postgres-backup-s3. Backup multiple databases from the same host by setting the database names in POSTGRES_DB separated by commas or spaces. Restore examples: DB: nextcloud USER: muwahhid zcat /mnt/user/Backups/Postgres/Backups/daily/nextcloud-20210218-235636.sql.gz | docker exec -i testsql psql --username=muwahhid --dbname=nextcloud -W /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/MuwahhidunsRepository/my-postgres-backup-local.xml