true lidarr-lad randomninjaatk/lidarr-lad bash false Lidarr + Lidarr Automated Downloader (LAD), Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. [br][br][b][span style='color: #E80000;']Important Paths:[/span][/u][/b] [b]/storage[/b] :: Root location for downloads, see additonal paths below [b]/storage/downloads/lidarr/deezloaderremix[/b] :: Temporary DL location from dl client [b]/storage/downloads/lidarr/lidarr-import[/b] :: Directory used for importing to Lidarr automatically [b]/config[/b] :: Location of SABnzbd aplication files [b]/config/scripts[/b] :: Location of LAD scripts files and logs [br][br][b][span style='color: #E80000;']Important Files:[/span][/u][/b] [b]/config/scripts/lidarr-automated-downloader.bash[/b] :: LAD script, this file is updated on every image update or if you have updates enabled [b]/config/scripts/cron-job.log[/b] :: Log of last attempt to execute [b]/config/scripts/script-run.log[/b] :: Current log of script run, can be seen in normal docker log [b]/config/scripts/notfound.log[/b] :: Log file containing list of albums that could not be found using normal or fuzzy matching, automatically cleared every Saturday via cron [b]/config/scripts/musicbrainzerror.log[/b] :: Log file containing list of artists without links, open log for more details [b]/config/scripts/download.log[/b] :: Log file containing list of albums that were downloaded, automatically cleared every Saturday via cron [b]/config/scripts/beets-config.yaml[/b] :: Beet config file for matching [b]/config/scripts/beets-library.blb[/b] :: Beet library file, do not touch [b]/config/scripts/cookies.txt[/b] :: OPTIONAL :: Add this file, if you need youtube-dl authentication to youtube, may be required if you experience throttling... [br][br][b][span style='color: #E80000;']DL Client Information[/span][/u][/b] [b]DL Client ARL Token[/b] :: This token will expire every 3 months, without a token this script will not function... http://[IP]:[PORT:8686] bridge Downloaders: MediaApp:Music Status:Beta Lidarr + Lidarr Automated Downloader (LAD), Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new tracks from your favorite artists and will grab, sort and rename them. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/randomninjaatksRepository/randomninjaatk/lidarr-lad.xml