iPXE-buildweb angelics/unraid-docker-ipxe-buildweb https://hub.docker.com/r/angelics/unraid-docker-ipxe-buildweb bridge false https://forums.unraid.net/ A web-based user interface that provide a way for the user to select any relevant iPXE build options, specify any embedded script, etc, and then construct and download the appropriate file. fork from chvb/Docker-Apache-PHP, works from xbgmsharp/ipxe-buildweb. based on phusion 0.9.18(ubuntu 14.04) http://[IP]:[PORT:80] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angelics/unraid-docker-template/master/ipxebuildweb.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xbgmsharp/ipxe-buildweb/master/favicon.ico http://rom-o-matic.eu/ 1562472000 bridge 8081 80 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/iPXE-buildweb/logs /logs rw https://www.paypal.me/angelics345 A web-based user interface that provide a way for the user to select any relevant iPXE build options, specify any embedded script, etc, and then construct and download the appropriate file. fork from chvb/Docker-Apache-PHP, works from xbgmsharp/ipxe-buildweb. based on phusion 0.9.18(ubuntu 14.04) /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/josywongsRepository/ipxebuildweb.xml