Unifi Debian:Stretch 1599192000 brettm357/unifi https://hub.docker.com/r/brettm357/unifi host true https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/56178-support-brettm357-unifi https://www.ui.com Use the UniFi Controller software to quickly configure and administer an enterprise Wi‐Fi network. RF map and performance features, real-time status, automatic UAP device detection, and advanced security options are all seamlessly integrated. https://[IP]:[PORT:8443] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brettm357/docker-templates/master/unifi.xml https://dl.ubnt.com/press/Company_Logos/U_Logo/WEB/U_Logo_RGB.png Please Donate to the Project https://paypal.me/brettm357?locale.x=en_AU https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif host 3478 3478 udp 6789 6789 tcp 8080 8080 tcp 8081 8081 tcp 8443 8443 tcp 8843 8843 tcp 8880 8880 tcp /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi /usr/lib/unifi/data rw /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi/logs /usr/lib/unifi/logs rw 99 PUID 100 PGID 3478 6789 8080 8081 8443 8843 8880 /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi /mnt/cache/appdata/unifi/logs 99 100 Network:Management Tools:Utilities Use the UniFi Controller software to quickly configure and administer an enterprise Wi‐Fi network. RF map and performance features, real-time status, automatic UAP device detection, and advanced security options are all seamlessly integrated. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/brettm357sRepository/unifi.xml