quassel-web linuxserver/quassel-web https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/quassel-web/ bridge sh false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79710-support-linuxserverio-quassel-web/ https://github.com/magne4000/quassel-webserver A web client for Quassel (requires the quassel-core container as a backend)[br][br]If the QUASSEL_CORE variable is not set then the container will default to an advanced setting and you must edit[br] /config/settings-user.js[br] directly. [br][br]This allows access to all the configuration settings possible and is for advanced users. Network:Messenger http://[IP]:[PORT:64080] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/quassel-web-icon.png Donations https://www.linuxserver.io/donate A web client for Quassel (requires the quassel-core container as a backend)[br][br]If the QUASSEL_CORE variable is not set then the container will default to an advanced setting and you must edit[br] /config/settings-user.js[br] directly. [br][br]This allows access to all the configuration settings possible and is for advanced users. bridge 64080 64080 tcp /config rw QUASSEL_CORE 4242 QUASSEL_PORT URL_BASE 99 PUID 100 PGID 64080 4242 99 100