unifi-controller linuxserver/unifi-controller https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/unifi-controller/ latest The most recent build version of the Controller software, regardless of release train. Warning! May be broken or buggy (and often is!) LTS The most recent Long Term Support release 5.9 The most recent 5.9.x release. 5.8 The most recent 5.8.x release. 5.7 The most recent 5.7.x release. bridge bash false https://forums.unraid.net/topic/78060-support-linuxserverio-unifi-controller/ https://www.ui.com/software/ [center][img width='300px' src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver_small.png'][/center]The UniFiĀ® Controller software is a powerful, enterprise wireless software engine ideal for high-density client deployments requiring low latency and high uptime performance.[br] [br] [span style='color: #E80000;'][u][b]Available Branches[/u][/b][/span][br] [span style='color: #E80000;'][b]Warning![/b]The latest tag may be broken or buggy (and often is!)[/span][br] [b]latest[/b] - The most recent build version of the Controller software, regardless of release train.[br] [b]LTS[/b] - The most recent Long Term Support release.[br] [b]5.9[/b] - The most recent 5.9.x release.[br] [b]5.8[/b] - The most recent 5.8.x release.[br] [b]5.7[/b] - The most recent 5.7.x release.[br] [br] [span style='color: #E80000;'][u][b]Optional Ports (Not Mapped By Default)[/u][/b][/span][br] [b]6789 (TCP)[/b] - Port used for UniFi mobile speed test.[br] [b]5656-5699 (UDP)[/b] - Ports used by AP-EDU broadcasting.[br] [b]1900 (UDP)[/b] - Port used for "Make controller discoverable on L2 network" in controller settings.[br] [b]27117 (TCP)[/b] - Port used for local-bound database communication.[br] Tools: Network:Management https://[IP]:[PORT:8443] https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/blob/master/linuxserver.io/unifi-controller.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/unifi-controller-icon.png Donate https://www.linuxserver.io/donate The UniFi® Controller software is a powerful, enterprise wireless software engine ideal for high-density client deployments requiring low latency and high uptime performance. bridge 3478 3478 udp 8080 8080 tcp 8443 8443 tcp 8880 8880 tcp 8843 8843 tcp 10001 10001 udp /config rw 99 PUID 100 PGID 3478 8080 8443 8880 8843 10001 99 100