wger-unraid aronwk/wger:latest https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/aronwk/wger sebnet sh false https://wger.de/software/features wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that help you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility. It offers a REST API as well, for easy integration with other projects and tools. http://[IP]:[PORT:8000] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wger-project/unraid-templates/master/wger.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wger-project/wger/master/wger/core/static/images/logos/logo.png sebnet 8000 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/wger/media /home/wger/media rw /mnt/user/appdata/wger/static /home/wger/static rw django.db.backends.postgresql DJANGO_DB_ENGINE wger DJANGO_DB_DATABASE wger DJANGO_DB_USER DJANGO_DB_PASSWORD DJANGO_DB_HOST 5432 DJANGO_DB_PORT US/Central TIME_ZONE SITE_URL ALLOW_REGISTRATION ALLOW_GUEST_USERS SECRET_KEY ENABLE_EMAIL EMAIL_HOST EMAIL_PORT EMAIL_HOST_USER EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD EMAIL_USE_TLS False EMAIL_USE_SSL admin@aronwk.com FROM_EMAIL RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY False NOCAPTCHA DJANGO_CACHE_BACKEND DJANGO_CACHE_TIMEOUT DJANGO_CACHE_LOCATION django_redis.client.DefaultClient DJANGO_CACHE_CLIENT_CLASS 8555 django.db.backends.postgresql wger wger 5432 US/Central /mnt/user/appdata/wger/media /mnt/user/appdata/wger/static False True False False django_redis.client.DefaultClient wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that help you manage your personal workouts, weight and diet plans and can also be used as a simple gym management utility. It offers a REST API as well, for easy integration with other projects and tools. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/rgesRepository/wger.xml