P3R-KeePassXC p3rco/keepassxc:latest https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/p3rco/keepassxc bridge bash false https://discord.gg/uRhFDDK https://github.com/P3R-CO/keepassxc-container KeePassXC in a container. Keep your passwords safe! I highly recommend also downloading the KeePassXC browser extension for easy input of passwords on webpages. Save your database in the /config folder for persistence after updates/reboots and backups with your AppData. http://[IP]:[PORT:5800]/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/P3R-CO/unraid/master/KeePassXC-P3R-256px.png Please support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/keepitPG 5800 5900 /mnt/user/appdata/P3R-KeePassXC/ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/P3R-CO/unraid/master/keepassxc.xml KeePassXC in a container. Keep your passwords safe! I highly recommend also downloading the KeePassXC browser extension for easy input of passwords on webpages. Save your database in the /config folder for persistence after updates/reboots and backups with your AppData. /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/capt.asicsRepository/keepassxc.xml