OctoFarm-Monlithic octofarm/octofarm:monolithic-latest monolithic-latest Latest stable release of OctoFarm, including a built-in MongoDB instance. monolithic-dev Latest semi-stable development release of OctoFarm, including a built-in MongoDB instance. Use with caution! https://hub.docker.com/r/octofarm/octofarm/ bridge sh false https://github.com/NotExpectedYet/OctoFarm/issues https://octofarm.net/ OctoFarm is a web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. This image also includes a built-in self-contained MongoDB instance. You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full control over your 3D printer farm. This image also includes a built-in self-contained MongoDB instance. http://[IP]:[PORT:4000] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotExpectedYet/OctoFarm-UnRaid-Template/master/octofarm/octofarm-monolithic.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NotExpectedYet/OctoFarm/master/views/android-chrome-512x512.png Support the development on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NotExpectedYet OctoFarm is a web server and client combination for unifying multiple instances of Octoprint. This image also includes a built-in self-contained MongoDB instance. You can manage and monitor as many instances as you want from a single interface giving you full control over your 3D printer farm. This image also includes a built-in self-contained MongoDB instance. bridge 4000 4000 tcp /mnt/user/appdata/OctoFarm/db /data/db rw /mnt/user/appdata/OctoFarm/logs /app/logs rw /mnt/user/appdata/OctoFarm/scripts /scripts rw /mnt/user/appdata/OctoFarm/images /app/images rw /mnt/user/appdata/octofarm/db /mnt/user/appdata/octofarm/logs /mnt/user/appdata/octofarm/scripts /mnt/user/appdata/OctoFarm/images 4000 Tools:Utilities /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/mearmansRepository/octofarm/octofarm-monolithic.xml