AmericasArmy-PG ich777/steamcmd:aaprovinggrounds bridge sh false This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install America's Army: Proving Grounds and run it. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory! --restart=unless-stopped If you like my work please bridge 27015 27015 udp 7778 7778 udp 8778 8778 udp /mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd /serverdata/steamcmd rw /mnt/cache/appdata/americasarmy-pg /serverdata/serverfiles rw 203300 GAME_ID -port=7778 -SAP=8778 -SQP=27015 -aauregion=1 -log=Server.log GAME_PARAMS USERNAME VALIDATE PASSWRD Army Docker SRV_NAME 99 UID 100 GID /mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd /mnt/cache/appdata/americasarmy-pg 203300 Army Docker -port=7778 -SAP=8778 -SQP=27015 -aauregion=1 -log=Server.log 7778 8778 27015 99 100 GameServers: This Docker will download and install SteamCMD. It will also install America's Army: Proving Grounds and run it. ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files! Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available. You can also run multiple servers with only one SteamCMD directory! /tmp/GitHub/AppFeed/templates/ich777sRepository/ich777/AmericasArmy-ProvingGrounds.xml