Squidly271 b3878cd225 Redo
2020-12-03 07:42:32 -05:00

117 lines
6.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>This Docker will download and install a simple IW4x Server.&#13;
ATTENTION: You need to copy over the files from your CoD:MW2 folder to the server directory otherwise the server will not start.&#13;
DOWNLOAD NOTICE: If a download fails or is not available you can simply put the .zip files in the server directory and the container will extract the files and start the server.&#13;
WINE NOTICE: Since this container runs with WINE i can't garantee that it will not crash or other weird behavoir.</Overview>
<DonateText>If you like my work please </DonateText>
<Value>+exec server.cfg +sv_maxclients 12 +set fs_game mods/bots +set playlistFilename</Value>
<Config Name="ServerFiles" Target="/iw4x" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Server Files" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/cache/appdata/iw4x</Config>
<Config Name="TCP - Game Port" Target="28960" Default="" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP Game Port same as UDP (if you need another port, please delete this entry and create a new TCP Port with the corresponding port number, also don't forget to click an 'Show more settings ...' and change the port number)" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">28960</Config>
<Config Name="UDP - Game Port" Target="28960" Default="" Mode="udp" Description="UDP Game Port same as TCP (if you need another port, please delete this entry and create a new UDP Port with the corresponding port number, also don't forget to click an 'Show more settings ...' and change the port number)" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">28960</Config>
<Config Name="Startup Parameters" Target="GAME_PARAMS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Specify your Startup Parameters here." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">+exec server.cfg +sv_maxclients 12 +set fs_game mods/bots +set playlistFilename</Config>
<Config Name="Force Update" Target="FORCE_UPDATE" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set to 'true' (without quotes) to force an update." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Main IW4x Download URL" Target="IW4X_DL_URL" Default="" Mode="" Description="Main IW4x Download URL (only change if you know what you are doing)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="IW4x DLC Download URL" Target="IW4X_DLC_URL" Default="" Mode="" Description="IW4x DLC Download URL (only change if you know what you are doing)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">;download=1</Config>
<Config Name="UMASK" Target="UMASK" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: UMASK" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">000</Config>
<Config Name="DATA_PERM" Target="DATA_PERM" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: DATA_PERM" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">770</Config>
<Config Name="UID" Target="UID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: UID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">99</Config>
<Config Name="GID" Target="GID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: GID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">100</Config>
<Config Name="GAME_PORT" Target="GAME_PORT" Default="" Mode="" Description="Change if you need another Game Port (please create a new TCP and UDP Port with the corresponding port number)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28960</Config>
<Category>GameServers: Status:Beta</Category>
<Description>This Docker will download and install a simple IW4x Server.&#13;
ATTENTION: You need to copy over the files from your CoD:MW2 folder to the server directory otherwise the server will not start.&#13;
DOWNLOAD NOTICE: If a download fails or is not available you can simply put the .zip files in the server directory and the container will extract the files and start the server.&#13;
WINE NOTICE: Since this container runs with WINE i can't garantee that it will not crash or other weird behavoir.</Description>