2021-02-23 15:49:21 -05:00

63 lines
3.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>This container is just the Zabbix Agent for UNRAID. Any Zabbix Server configuration/setup will need to be completed by yourself. [br]&#13;
To set this container up just edit the following:&#13;
"HOSTNAME" to your unraid server hostname&#13;
"ZABBIX SERVER/PROXY IP" to the IP address of your Zabbix Server or Proxy&#13;
If you would like Zabbix to monitor disks as well as system resources you will need to add each one as a path manually.&#13;
Please view the guide available on the forums.</Overview>
<Config Name="ZBX_HOSTNAME" Target="ZBX_HOSTNAME" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: ZBX_HOSTNAME" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">HOSTNAME</Config>
<Config Name="ZBX_SERVER_HOST" Target="ZBX_SERVER_HOST" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: ZBX_SERVER_HOST" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">ZABBIX SERVER/PROXY IP</Config>
<Config Name="ZBX_TLSCONNECT" Target="ZBX_TLSCONNECT" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: ZBX_TLSCONNECT" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">unencrypted</Config>
<Config Name="ZBX_TLSACCEPT" Target="ZBX_TLSACCEPT" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: ZBX_TLSACCEPT" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">unencrypted</Config>
<Description>This container is just the Zabbix Agent for UNRAID. Any Zabbix Server configuration/setup will need to be completed by yourself. &#13;
To set this container up just edit the following:&#13;
"HOSTNAME" to your unraid server hostname&#13;
"ZABBIX SERVER/PROXY IP" to the IP address of your Zabbix Server or Proxy&#13;
If you would like Zabbix to monitor disks as well as system resources you will need to add each one as a path manually.&#13;
Please view the guide available on the forums.</Description>