2021-02-23 15:49:21 -05:00

106 lines
6.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>STORJ DAEMON Docker - using Storj public automated build. This template, nor author, are affiliated with &#13;;;
Storj is a Crypto-asset and P2P cloud storage service. This Docker runs the back-end client for Storj allowing internet users to rent their disk space and earn SJX an Ethereum asset. **The template author makes no guarantee that SJX or ETH will retain, or increase in fiat value.** This is only the Storj Daemon and CLI tool.&#13;
1. TCP ports 4000 open on host and setup on container (should be set below)&#13;
2. Path on host for Storj data to sit. IE: make a user share, /mnt/user/storj &#13;
3. Your Ethereum-based wallet address.&#13;
4. The max allowed space STORJ can take up on the host; remember to make it less &#13;
STORJ DAEMON STATUS: (In your command line)&#13;
docker exec Storj storjshare status&#13;
Optional Component:&#13;
StorjStat is a free community made tool for monitoring your Storj farming node(s), the tool gives you both real-time and historical analysis. See and calxibe/StorjMonitor for more information. The StorjStat API is optionally supported by using the STORJ_MONITOR_API_KEY environment variable when starting the storjshare-cli Docker container.</Overview>
<DonateText>Etherum or STORJ tokens for template author</DonateText>
<Config Name="Path of Storj share on array" Target="/storj" Default="/mnt/user/storj" Mode="rw" Description="Enter location of your storj share folder on unRAID host. " Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/storj</Config>
<Config Name="Wallet Address" Target="WALLET_ADDRESS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Value should be changed to your Wallet address you use for payout." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="SHARE_SIZE" Target="SHARE_SIZE" Default="3TB" Mode="" Description="Example: 500GB, 1TB, 10TB." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1TB</Config>
<Config Name="RPC Host Address" Target="RPCADDRESS" Default="" Mode="" Description="DDNS, DNS, or external IP address" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name=" Monitor API-Key" Target="STORJ_MONITOR_API_KEY" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: STORJ_MONITOR_API_KEY" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Storj TCP ports" Target="4000-4003" Default="4000-4003" Mode="tcp" Description="Storj service uses TCP 4000. However, if it doesn't find an open connection it will try to tunnel using ports 4001-4003." Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">4000-4003</Config>
<Description>STORJ DAEMON Docker - using Storj public automated build. This template, nor author, are affiliated with &#13;;;
Storj is a Crypto-asset and P2P cloud storage service. This Docker runs the back-end client for Storj allowing internet users to rent their disk space and earn SJX an Ethereum asset. **The template author makes no guarantee that SJX or ETH will retain, or increase in fiat value.** This is only the Storj Daemon and CLI tool.&#13;
1. TCP ports 4000 open on host and setup on container (should be set below)&#13;
2. Path on host for Storj data to sit. IE: make a user share, /mnt/user/storj &#13;
3. Your Ethereum-based wallet address.&#13;
4. The max allowed space STORJ can take up on the host; remember to make it less &#13;
STORJ DAEMON STATUS: (In your command line)&#13;
docker exec Storj storjshare status&#13;
Optional Component:&#13;
StorjStat is a free community made tool for monitoring your Storj farming node(s), the tool gives you both real-time and historical analysis. See and calxibe/StorjMonitor for more information. The StorjStat API is optionally supported by using the STORJ_MONITOR_API_KEY environment variable when starting the storjshare-cli Docker container.</Description>