Squidly271 b3878cd225 Redo
2020-12-03 07:42:32 -05:00

103 lines
4.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>xteve, guide2go, owi2plex in one docker with cron&#13;
access xteve webui ip:34400/web/&#13;
after docker start check your config folder and do your setups, setup is persistent, start from scratch by delete them&#13;
cron and xteve start options are updated on docker restart.&#13;
setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .json files into your mounted /guide2go folder &#13;
docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".json&#13;
to test the cronjob functions &#13;
docker exec -it "dockername" ./config/;
included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off)&#13;
xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei &#13;
guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei &#13;
owi2plex - xmltv epg grabber for enigma receivers using open web, thanks to @cvarelaruiz &#13;
some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend</Overview>
<Config Name="/config" Target="/config" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="/mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_config/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="/root/.xteve" Target="/root/.xteve" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /root/.xteve" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/xteve/</Config>
<Config Name="/guide2go" Target="/guide2go" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="/mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="/owi2plex" Target="/owi2plex" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="/mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_owi2plex/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="/tmp/xteve" Target="/tmp/xteve" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="/tmp/xteve" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="/TVH" Target="/TVH" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="/mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend/data/" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Category>Downloaders: Tools:Utilities</Category>
<Description>xteve, guide2go, owi2plex in one docker with cron&#13;
access xteve webui ip:34400/web/&#13;
after docker start check your config folder and do your setups, setup is persistent, start from scratch by delete them&#13;
cron and xteve start options are updated on docker restart.&#13;
setup guide2go SD subscrition as follows or copy your existing .json files into your mounted /guide2go folder &#13;
docker exec -it "dockername" guide2go -configure /guide2go/"your_epg_name".json&#13;
to test the cronjob functions &#13;
docker exec -it "dockername" ./config/;
included functions are (all can be individual turned on / off)&#13;
xteve - iptv and epg proxy server for plex, emby, etc ... thanks to @marmei &#13;
guide2go - xmltv epg grabber for schedules direct, thanks to @marmei &#13;
owi2plex - xmltv epg grabber for enigma receivers using open web, thanks to @cvarelaruiz &#13;
some small script lines cause i personally use tvheadend and get playlist for xteve and cp xml data to tvheadend</Description>