2022-01-22 11:25:36 -05:00

1056 lines
48 KiB
Executable File

"caFixed": 325,
"fixedTemplates": {
"smdion's Repository": {
"smdion/docker-h5ai": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"smdion's beta Repository": {
"smdion/docker-keybox": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"CaptInsano's Repository": {
"captinsano/koel": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"captinsano/legacyrutorrent": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"captinsano/rutorrent": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"Bungy's Repository": {
"sameersbn/gitlab": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"jshridha/motioneye:latest": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"owncloud": [
"No category entry present"
"jshridha/rdiffweb": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"centurylink/watchtower": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"hernandito's Repository": {
"hernandito/hernando-apachephp-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"hernandito/docker-apache-php-adminer": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"hernandito/filebrowser": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"hernandito/myfilebrowser": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"hernandito/docker-resourcespace": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"coolasice1999/tmm-cli-cronjob:latest": [
"Unknown category MediaManager:"
"coolasice1999/tmm:latest": [
"Unknown category MediaManager:"
"Official Unraid Repository": {
"": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"linuxserver's Repository": {
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Invalid WebUI Entry (blank [PORT]). Removed WebUI"
"": [
"Invalid WebUI Entry (blank [PORT]). Removed WebUI"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"Invalid WebUI Entry (blank [PORT]). Removed WebUI"
"": [
"No category entry present"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"sdesbure's Repository": {
"sdesbure/T411Torznab": [
"Fatal: Invalid repository found. Only lowercase is allowed"
"snoopy86's Repository": {
"snoopy86/emoncms-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"tinglis1's Repository": {
"dreamcat4/pipework:1.1.3": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)",
"Fatal: Incorrect characters in name"
"dreamcat4/pipework:1.1.5": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"gfjardim's Repository": {
"": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"dibbz' Repository": {
"quimnut/brewpi-wifi": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"quimnut/cloud9ide": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"gogs/gogs": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]/"
"docgyver's Repository": {
"": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"bashNinja's Repository": {
"bashninja/docker-pritunl": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443]"
"Paul_Ber's Repository": {
"signumnetwork/node:latest-h2": [
"Unknown category Currency:"
"stuckless' Repository": {
"stuckless/crushftp": [
"Multiple Icons found"
"thomast_88's Repository": {
"gitlab/gitlab-ce": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"gitlab/gitlab-runner": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"Roland's Repository": {
"meisnate12/plex-meta-manager": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"chvb's Repository": {
"chvb/docker-apache-php": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"chvb/onlyofficedocumentserver:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"chvb/docker-tvhproxy": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"jcreynolds' Repository": {
"jcreynolds/flextv": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"atribe's Repository": {
"atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"barrycarey/speedtest-for-influxdb-and-grafana": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"Kru-X's Repository": {
"wekanteam/wekan": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"
"wordpress": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"Uirel's Repository": {
"caddy:alpine": [
"Multiple Descriptions Found",
"Unknown category Network:Proxy:"
"cheesemarathon's Repository": {
"coderaiser/cloudcmd": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8000]"
"diyhue/core:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"msjpq/firefox-vnc": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"steamcache/steamcache-dns:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"taskcafe/taskcafe": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3333]/"
"Taddeusz' Repository": {
"": [
"Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"cmer's Repository": {
"cmer/minio": [
"Fatal: Multiple Repositories Found - Removing application from lists"
"clowrym's Repository": {
"hexparrot/mineos": [
"No category entry present"
"ninjaneer/plex-discord-bot": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"fanningert's Repository": {
"guacamole/guacd": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"malvarez00's Repository": {
"gitlab/gitlab-ce": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"runraid's Repository": {
"kthulu120/liquid_dl": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"MarkusMcNugen's Repository": {
"markusmcnugen/openconnect": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/tcp)",
"No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/udp)"
"markusmcnugen/qbittorrentvpn": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"jj9987's Repository": {
"janarj/cloudflare-ddns:1.1": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"JCloud's Repository": {
"quantumobject/docker-cacti": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/cacti"
"analogic/": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"JBartlett's Repository": {
"jbartlett777/diskspeed": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8888]/"
"zyphermonkey's Repository": {
"zyphermonkey/splunk": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"Mudislander's Repository": {
"mudislander/fogproject": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"bl0m1/xtevedocker": [
"No category entry present",
"CPU pinning removed from template",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"digiblur's Repository": {
"homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"adolfintel/speedtest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"raymondmm/tasmoadmin": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"danmed/tasmobackupv1": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"iotreboot/tasui:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"nico640/docker-unms": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to https://[IP]:[PORT:443]"
"mlebjerg's Repository": {
"ofsm/ofsm:latest": [
"No category entry present",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"mlebjerg/steamcachebundle:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No container port set. Set to 80 (Container Port: Must be 80!)",
"No container port set. Set to 443 (Container Port: 443\r\nSNIProxy port, don't change!)"
"itimpi's Repository": {
"bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa": [
"Invalid characters in default path /mnt/user/?. Removed"
"thetarkus' Repository": {
"thetarkus/funkwhale": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"rix's Repository": {
"rix1337/docker-gphotos-sync": [
"No category entry present",
"CPU pinning removed from template"
"rix1337/docker-myjd-api": [
"No category entry present"
"rix1337/docker-ripper:manual-latest": [
"Multiple Category tags present - using longest one"
"Siwat2545's Repository": {
"adguard/adguardhome": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"machinebox/facebox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"onlyoffice/communityserver": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"onlyoffice/documentserver": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"siwatinc/phlex": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"Bender's Repository": {
"traefik:latest": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.",
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"boerderij/varken": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"acockburn/appdaemon": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.",
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"seim's Repository": {
"seafileltd/seafile": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"Grack's Repository": {
"gregyankovoy/chowdown": [
"No category entry present"
"gregyankovoy/goaccess": [
"No category entry present"
"gregyankovoy/lftp-mirror": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"knex666's Repository": {
"atlassian/confluence-server": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No category entry present"
"filebrowser/filebrowser": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"infiniteproject/icecast": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"adolfintel/speedtest": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"knex666/mopidy": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"knex666/mopidy:3-experimental": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"nextcloud:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"openhab/openhab:latest-debian": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"openproject/community:10": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"knex666/prpdf": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"knex666/rssnotipy": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No category entry present",
"No container port set. Set to 3247 (Container Port: 3247)"
"alqutami/rtmp-hls": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"knex666/shortipy": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"kevineye/snapcast": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No category entry present"
"doudou34/tor-server": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"No container port set. Set to 9030 (Container Port: )",
"No container port set. Set to 9001 (Container Port: )"
"ulisses1478's Repository": {
"ulisses1478/docker-android": [
"No category entry present",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"ulisses1478/mongo-express": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"ulisses1478/shinobi": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"ulisses1478/teleradarr": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"ulisses1478/zcashwallet": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"FoxxMD's Repository": {
"elasticsearch:6.6.2": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"ich777's Repository": {
"ich777/debian-buster:nvidia-steam": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"Josh.5's Repository": {
"josh5/lancache-bundle:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"Andrew207's Repository": {
"atunnecliffe/splunk": [
"Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"
"Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository": {
"gangefors/airdcpp-webclient": [
"Unknown category Cloud:File",
"Unknown category sharing:Direct",
"Unknown category Connect:"
"mrlt8/wyze-bridge": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"mattermost/focalboard": [
"No category entry present"
"gilbn/geoip2influx": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"jalle19/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"akhilrex/podgrab": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"shenxn/protonmail-bridge": [
"No category entry present"
"rancher/rancher:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"toddrob/searcharr": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"stokkes/sstvproxy": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"syncarr/syncarr": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"haveagitgat/tdarr_node": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"zpex/web-pdf-toolbox": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"alturismo's Repository": {
"dnsforge/xteve:latest": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"alturismo/wg_hideme_privoxy": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"SpaceInvaderOne's Repository": {
"spaceinvaderone/deconz": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"spaceinvaderone/log4j-scan:latest": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"spaceinvaderone/log4shell-testing-vulnerable": [
"No category entry present",
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"spaceinvaderone/macinabox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"ixsystems/truecommand": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"d8ahazard's Repository": {
"digitalhigh/glimmr": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"Aggie1999's Repository": {
"wbynum/qemubackup": [
"No Icon specified within the application template",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"frakman1's Repository": {
"": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"gitlab/gitlab-ce": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"gitlab/gitlab-runner": [
"No category entry present",
"Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"
"": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"ElectricBrainUK's Repository": {
"electricbrainuk/idleminerdashboard": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]"
"electricbrainuk/unraidapi": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"MrChunky's Repository": {
"cassandra:latest": [
"No category entry present"
"storjlabs/storagenode:latest": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"p.wrangles' Repository": {
"wranglatang/bluelinky": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"eXisTa's Repository": {
"xirixiz/dsmr-reader-docker": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"kiowa2005's Repository": {
"mitchellriley/streetmerchant": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"capt.asic's Repository": {
"p3rco/openrgb:latest": [
"Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"
"SAL-e's Repository": {
"phpipam/phpipam-cron": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"phpipam/phpipam-www": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"Glassed Silver's Repository": {
"directus/directus:latest": [
"Multiple Category tags present - using longest one"
"TheBrian's Repository": {
"theoriginalbrian/intel-gpu-telegraf": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No category entry present"
"Sycotix' Repository": {
"atlassian/jira-servicedesk": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"pomerium/pomerium": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"fjudith/pwm": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"Natcoso9955's Repository": {
"raesene/bwapp": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"vulnerables/web-dvwa": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"Progeny42's Repository": {
"snipe/snipe-it": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"roflcoopter's Repository": {
"roflcoopter/viseron": [
"No category entry present",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"agusalex' Repository": {
"agusalex/grive2": [
"Invalid WebUI"
"agusalex/notarius:latest": [
"No category entry present",
"Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present"
"argash's Repository": {
"denverquane/amongusdiscord": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No container port set. Set to 8123 (The port the Bot will use for incoming communications from the capture client. Defaults to 8123. You must specify more (comma-delimited ports) if you are running with NUM_SHARDS > 1. For example, with 3 shards, PORT = 8123,8124,8125)"
"laur's Repository": {
"layr/borg-mysql-backup:borg1": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"SimonF's Repository": {
"": [
"Icon listed is fa-usb. Changed to usb"
"mgutt's Repository": {
"jc21/nginx-proxy-manager": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"rge's Repository": {
"wger/devel:latest": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"Muwahhidun's Repository": {
"brotandgames/ciao": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"joplin/server:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"typhonragewind/meshcentral": [
"No category entry present",
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"roundcube/roundcubemail": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"tak786/trango-self-hosted:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"wiznote/wizserver": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"FlippinTurt's Repository": {
"flippinturt/hastebin": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"ganey's Repository": {
"honeygain/honeygain": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"PTRFRLL's Repository": {
"lukechannings/moviematch": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"ptrfrll/nv-docker-trex": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"Codeluxe's Repository": {
"codeluxe1/repetier-server": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"ChargingCosmonaut's Repository": {
"": [
"No category entry present",
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"lnxd's Repository": {
"lnxd/phoenixstats": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"LawRyder's Repository": {
"lawryder/ankidock:latest_stable": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"Camc314's Repository": {
"jellyfin/jellyfin-vue:unstable-ssr": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"jellyfin/jellyfin-vue:unstable-static": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"NixonInnes' Repository": {
"nixoninnes/alpaca-to-influxdb:latest": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"nixoninnes/binance-to-influxdb:latest": [
"No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container",
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"Kippenhof's Repository": {
"andrewstech/alpha-video": [
"Unknown category Music:"
"m1k1o/neko:latest": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"guy.davis' Repository": {
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"Alphacosmos' Repository": {
"petersem/posterr": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"ptchernegovski's Repository": {
"funkwhale/all-in-one:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"LuBeDa's Repository": {
"lubeda/salt4unraid": [
"Multiple Descriptions Found"
"Froodle's Repository": {
"dependencytrack/frontend": [
"Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"
"llalon's Repository": {
"": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"
"ofawx's Repository": {
"ofawx/electrs": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"ofawx/electrumx": [
"No container port set. Set to 50001 (Electrum TCP)",
"No container port set. Set to 50002 (Electrum SSL)",
"No container port set. Set to 50004 (Electrum WSS)",
"No container port set. Set to 8000 (ElectrumX RPC)"
"RedVex's Repository": {
"redvex2460/autofillerweb:latest": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"redvex2460/discoloader": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"redvex2460/fogproject:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"lancachenet/monolithic:latest": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"mber5/virt-manager:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config",
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"m0ngr31's Repository": {
"m0ngr31/dailynotes": [
"No category entry present"
"m0ngr31/eplustv": [
"No category entry present"
"corgan's Repository": {
"exadel/compreface:0.6.1": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"exadel/compreface:0.6.1-mobilenet-gpu": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"
"machinebox/facebox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"machinebox/tagbox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"machinebox/videobox": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"
"stefanknaak/prometheus-phoenixstats:latest": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/metrics"
"patrickstigler's Repository": {
"patrickstigler/facturascripts": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"
"patrickstigler/obs-ndi": [
"Custom Networking Detected"
"patrickstigler/py-stocks-api:latest": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"da do ron's Repository": {
"knilix/ubuntu-xfce-vnc-novnc": [
"No Support or Project Link Present"
"C3004's Repository": {
"comixed/comixed:latest": [
"No Icon specified within the application template"
"oldcrazyeye's Repository": {
"benzino77/tasmocompiler": [
"Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]"