2021-04-12 00:02:43 -04:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>Containerised version of XMRig for CPU Mining. Helps turn your Unraid server into a Monero / cryptocurrency mining rig. Now optionally works with GPU algorithms as well.</Overview>
<DonateText>If you like my work please consider donating.</DonateText>
<Config Name="Pool" Target="POOL" Default="" Mode="" Description="Address for your mining pool. Eg. ''" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Wallet" Target="WALLET" Default="84e8UJvXHDGVfE5HZDQfhn3Kh3RGJKebz31G7D4H24TLPMe9x7bQLBw8iyBhNx9USXB8MhvhBe3DyVW1LcuVAf4jBiADNLw" Mode="" Description="Wallet address for receiving mined coin. If you are privacy conscious, you can redact this in logs posted to the support thread by replacing it with *****WALLET*****. If you use Monero, sharing this address will only allow people to send you Monero and possibly identify you if you send someone else Monero, but being a privacy oriented coin it's entirely up to you." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">84e8UJvXHDGVfE5HZDQfhn3Kh3RGJKebz31G7D4H24TLPMe9x7bQLBw8iyBhNx9USXB8MhvhBe3DyVW1LcuVAf4jBiADNLw</Config>
<Config Name="Worker name" Target="WORKER" Default="Unraid" Mode="" Description="Enter a name for your worker. Some pools use a hidden option with this (Nanopool included) that allows you to change your payment threshold on their website. If you want to use this option, you can change this to 'workername/email', eg. 'Unraid/', where is your own email address. This option is basically a password. Please take note that if you post your logs in the support thread you would be best to redact the email address, eg. change out the instances of your email with ***@***.*** to prevent your email address being posted in a public forum." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">Unraid</Config>
<Config Name="Additional XMRig Arguments" Target="ADDITIONAL" Default="--no-color " Mode="" Description="Please leave '--no-colour', as Unraid's webUI log viewer does not respond well to this option being disabled. | If you plan on using an AMD card for GPU mining, please add '--opencl'; the field would then read '--no-colour --opencl', please don't miss the variables below. | If you plan on using an Nvidia card for GPU mining, please add '--cuda'; the field would then read '--no-colour --cuda' " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">--no-color </Config>
<Config Name="Donation %" Target="DONATE" Default="1" Mode="" Description="% that you would like to donate. Enter a whole number between 0-100, no symbols." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="Donation to" Target="FEE" Default="lnxd-fee" Mode="" Description="Select where you would like to donate the developer fee. Options are 'dev-fee', 'lnxd-fee' and 'no-fee'." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">lnxd-fee</Config>
<Config Name="Coin" Target="COIN" Default="monero" Mode="" Description="Select a coin to mine. Options are 'monero', 'arqma' and 'dero'. You can optionally disable this to use the '--algo' flag in Additional XMRig Arguments by setting this to 'x'." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">monero</Config>
<Config Name="GPU Device" Target="" Default="" Mode="" Description="*Important* You can remove this if you don't want to use GPU passthrough from host to container. Set it to '/dev/dri:/dev/dri' if you want to use your GPU. This Isn't necessary if privileged mode is enabled, but won't hurt to have it enabled anyway." Type="Device" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">/dev/dri:/dev/dri</Config>
<Config Name="GPU Driver Version" Target="DRIVERV" Default="" Mode="" Description="Please note: while you *can* mine Monero with a GPU, it is designed to be mined with a CPU. If you have a GPU, please confirm it is not more profitable to mine a currency that does not intentionally bottleneck GPU mining. | Set '20.20' for AMD, other options are for testing purposes only ('18.20', '20.45', '20.50'). If you have an Nvidia card, enter 'CUDA' | Please note that this container will not work with both AMD Drivers and Cuda installed at the same time. if you want to do this, please set this container up for one and create a second, separate container for the other. | Please also note that if you use the 'CUDA' value, the container will end up around 3gb in size and take a very long time to start after updates." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Nvidia Visible Devices" Target="NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" Default="" Mode="" Description="Nvidia Only: Enter your GPU UUID here (only required if you plan to mine with an Nvidia GPU otherwise leave this empty. Don't forget to add '--runtime=nvidia' to your 'Extra Parameters' in the Advanced View)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Nvidia Driver Capabilities" Target="NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES" Default="" Mode="" Description="Please leave this set to the default option of 'all' if you aren't sure what to put here. This value can be left in the template even if you don't want to mine with an Nvidia GPU." Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">all</Config>
<Description>Containerised version of XMRig for CPU Mining. Helps turn your Unraid server into a Monero / cryptocurrency mining rig. Now optionally works with GPU algorithms as well.</Description>