Squidly271 c2c11218fe Update
2020-12-22 00:07:31 -05:00

87 lines
4.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>CubeCoders AMP. Manage servers like Minecraft (McMyAdmin3, replaces McMyAdmin2), TF2, and more. PLEASE READ SUPPORT THREAD ABOUT MAC ADDRESSES! More info on usage in support thread.</Overview>
<Config Name="Port" Target="8080" Default="8080" Mode="tcp" Description="Web Interface Port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">8080</Config>
<Config Name="Game Port" Target="25565" Default="25565" Mode="tcp" Description="Port for you game. Please make additional ports if needed. See support thread for help." Type="Port" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">25565</Config>
<Config Name="AMP License" Target="LICENCE" Default="" Mode="" Description="Your AMP or McMyAdmin license." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Module" Target="MODULE" Default="ADS" Mode="" Description="Which Module to use for the main instance created by this image. ADS allows you to create multiple modules." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">ADS</Config>
<Config Name="Username" Target="USERNAME" Default="admin" Mode="" Description="The username of the admin user created on first boot." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">admin</Config>
<Config Name="Password" Target="PASSWORD" Default="password" Mode="" Description="The password of the admin user. This value is only used when creating the new user. If you use the default value, please change it after first sign-in." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">password</Config>
<Config Name="Appdata" Target="/home/amp/.ampdata" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /home/amp/.ampdata" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/amp</Config>
<Config Name="Timezone" Target="TZ" Default="America/Detroit" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TZ" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">America/Detroit</Config>
<Config Name="Nightly Builds" Target="NIGHTLY" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set to ANY value here to enable nightly builds. Unset this variable to go back to stable releases." Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Description>CubeCoders AMP. Manage servers like Minecraft (McMyAdmin3, replaces McMyAdmin2), TF2, and more. PLEASE READ SUPPORT THREAD ABOUT MAC ADDRESSES! More info on usage in support thread.</Description>