2021-02-23 15:49:21 -05:00

138 lines
8.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>An Alpine Linux Docker container for ndbroadbent's iCloud Photos Downloader writen by boredazfcuk. I use it for syncing the photo streams of all the iDevices in my house back to my server because it's the only way of backing up multiple devices to a single location. It uses the system keyring to securely store credentials, has HEIC to JPG conversion capability, and supports Telegram, Prowl, PushBullet and WebHook notifications.</Overview>
<DonateText>BTC: 1E8kUsm3qouXdVYvLMjLbw7rXNmN2jZesL</DonateText>
<Config Name="Apple ID" Target="apple_id" Default="" Mode="" Description="This is the Apple ID for the account you want to download files for" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="AppData Config Path" Target="/config" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/icloudpd" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /config" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/icloudpd</Config>
<Config Name="Synchronisation Interval (seconds)" Target="synchronisation_interval" Default="86400" Mode="" Description="Default is once every 24h." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">86400</Config>
<Config Name="Data" Target="/home/user/iCloud" Default="/mnt/user/icloud" Mode="rw,slave" Description="Container Path: /home/user/iCloud" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Notification Type" Target="notification_type" Default="" Mode="" Description="This specifies the method that is used to send notifications. Currently, there are three options available 'Prowl', 'Pushbullet' and 'Telegram'. When the two factor authentication cookie is within 7 days (default) of expiry, a notification will be sent upon synchronization. No more than a single notification will be sent within a 24 hour period unless the container is restarted. This does not include the notification that is sent each time the container is started" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Prowl API Key" Target="prowl_api_key" Default="" Mode="" Description="If the notification_type is set to 'Prowl' this is mandatory. This is the API key for your account as generated by the Prowl website" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Pushbullet API Key" Target="pushbullet_api_key" Default="" Mode="" Description="If the notification_type is set to 'Pushbullet' this is mandatory. This is the API key for your account as generated by the Pushbullet website" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Telegram Token" Target="telegram_token" Default="" Mode="" Description="If the notification_type is set to 'Telegram' this is mandatory. This is the token that was assigned to your account by The Botfather" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Telegram Chat ID" Target="telegram_chat_id" Default="" Mode="" Description="If the notification_type is set to 'Telegram' then this is the chat_id for your Telegram bot" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Time Zone" Target="TZ" Default="Europe/London" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: TZ" Type="Variable" Display="always-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">Europe/London</Config>
<Config Name="Password" Target="apple_password" Default="usekeyring" Mode="" Description="Use system keyring to store password. For more info check the docker info page. " Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">usekeyring</Config>
<Config Name="Command Line Options" Target="command_line_options" Default="" Mode="" Description="This is for additional command line options you want to pass to the icloudpd application." Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Authentication Type" Target="authentication_type" Default="2FA" Mode="" Description="2FA or Web Authentication" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">2FA</Config>
<Config Name="Directory Permissions" Target="directory_permissions" Default="777" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: directory_permissions" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">777</Config>
<Config Name="File Permissions" Target="file_permissions" Default="666" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: file_permissions" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">666</Config>
<Config Name="UMASK" Target="UMASK" Default="000" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: UMASK" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">000</Config>
<Config Name="PGID" Target="PGID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config>
<Config Name="PUID" Target="PUID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config>
<Description>An Alpine Linux Docker container for ndbroadbent's iCloud Photos Downloader writen by boredazfcuk. I use it for syncing the photo streams of all the iDevices in my house back to my server because it's the only way of backing up multiple devices to a single location. It uses the system keyring to securely store credentials, has HEIC to JPG conversion capability, and supports Telegram, Prowl, PushBullet and WebHook notifications.</Description>