2021-03-07 14:03:06 -05:00

1438 lines
62 KiB

"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Random guy making templates.",
"icon": "",
"Forum": "",
"title": "A75G's Repository",
"index": 0
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating Unraid Apps for fun",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "agusalex' Repository",
"index": 1
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "some small dockers related to Multimedia preferences.",
"icon": "",
"title": "alturismo's Repository",
"index": 2
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Containers focused on security. Where possible based on Alpine.",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "Andrew207's Repository",
"index": 3
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Repository with some templates for useful Docker containers from Dockerhub that I use myself.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Buy me a coffee",
"title": "ArieDed's Repository",
"index": 4
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Free time developer of apps mostly based on C# and on personal needs.",
"icon": "",
"title": "Axelander's Repository",
"index": 5
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Author of the GPUStat plugin, and not much else. Learned to code using PHP, so my work should be suspect at best.",
"icon": "",
"title": "b3rs3rk's Repository",
"index": 6
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Founder Home Assistant",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like home automation & privacy, please consider donating.",
"title": "Balloob's Repository",
"index": 7
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating Docker containers for myself and sharing with the world. I base most of my images on the system.",
"icon": "",
"Forum": "",
"title": "bashNinja's Repository",
"index": 8
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Undergraduate Physicist Student and hobbyist self-hoster. Repository with some templates for applications that I use myself.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Forum": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "BGameiro's Repository",
"index": 9
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Producing Docker Images with Arch Linux base OS, the main philosophy here is to produce Docker Images that are up to date with the latest stable release (no beta's where possible) to minimize any coding related issues.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you appreciate my work, then please consider buying me a beer :D",
"title": "Binhex's Repository",
"index": 10
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Making some docker templates",
"Forum": "",
"title": "Bjonness406's Repository",
"index": 11
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Full time developer publishing mostly my own creations.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "BoKKeR's Repository",
"index": 12
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Hello! I maintain a few containers that support my home automation projects. Hopefully they're valuable to you as well! Please let me know through their support threads and GitHub Issues if you encounter any problems. This is a side project for me, so I'm not immediately responsive, but I will try to get back to you and help sort things out if I can.",
"icon": "",
"title": "cmccambridge's Repository",
"index": 13
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I am mostly taking other developers containers and building unRAID templates for them. I prefer to do this with official containers sraight from the devs when possible!",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Donate",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "CorneliousJD's Repository",
"index": 14
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I create custom templates for docker hub images that are not on unRaid by bigger sources like binhex or linuxserver",
"icon": "",
"title": "diamkil's Repository",
"index": 15
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Just some Random dude making docker container templates to save you a bunch of clicks and research.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Facebook": "",
"Twitter": "",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "digiblur's Repository",
"index": 16
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creator of many Docker containers for great applications. All containers are developed with simplicity and easy of use in mind. Being based on Alpine Linux, they are lightweight and contain only what is required to run the dockerized application.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider donating.",
"title": "Djoss' Repository",
"index": 17
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Developer of the Unassigned Devices (UD) plugin for mounting disks and remote NFS/SMB shares for local access. Disk devices can be hot plugged and scripts automatically run for backup purposes. Encrypted disks are supported.\n\tCreator of the per share Recycle Bin for deleted files from SMB shares.\n\tAlso have several other utility plugins to help with tweaking and managing your Unraid server.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "dlandon's Repository",
"index": 18
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creator/Maintainer of Network Stats plugin as well as Plex Streams plugin",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "dorgan's Repository",
"index": 19
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I'm Dean and I occasionally fiddle with things like this.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider donating to cancer research at (yes really).",
"title": "dsmith44's Repository",
"index": 20
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Made a few dockers. Might make more as i tink of ideas.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Buy me a coffee if you like.",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "fithwum's Repository",
"index": 21
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Just here to help the community out and make fun things ;)",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you appreciate my work, then please consider buying me a Snacc :D",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "FlippinTurt's Repository",
"index": 22
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Having fun playing with my Unraid server ^_^",
"icon": "",
"title": "GuildDart's Repository",
"index": 23
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I maintain a few docker images (Ubuntu or Alpine based) and try to deliver incredibly fast updates, all automated and tested before pushing them into the world.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "You can become a GitHub sponsor, use Open Collective or send some Crypto...",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "hotio's Repository",
"index": 24
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Linux/Windows server administrator. Programmer. RPA",
"icon": "",
"title": "hussainalhaddad's Repository",
"index": 25
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating Containers and Plugins with the intention to make them as easy as possible to install and use.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "ich777's Repository",
"index": 26
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I love Unraid and creating Docker containers is one of my hobbies.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "Jidovu Marius Adrian's Repository",
"index": 27
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Just kinda doing my own thing creating things for my use cases and sharing my work",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "jmztaylor's Repository",
"index": 28
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Developer of the **Unraid.Vmbackup** plugin which uses the **Unraid-Vmbackup** script behind the scenes.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Feel free to buy me a beer or coffee :-)",
"title": "JTok's Repository",
"index": 29
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Building Unraid-Dockers for my environment and my projects to share them with you. Most about Smart Home or automation and some more fancy stuff",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work buy me a Pizza ;)",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "knex666's Repository",
"index": 30
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "A curious Unraid plugin maintainer. Avoids unnecessary plugins.",
"icon": "",
"Forum": "",
"title": "kubed_zero's Repository",
"index": 31
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"bio": "We are a group of like minded enthusiasts from across the world who build and maintain the largest collection of Docker images on the web, and at our core are the principles behind Free and Open Source Software. Our primary goal is to provide easy-to-use and streamlined Docker images with clear and concise documentation.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Even the smallest donation from you will help us keep everything up and running so we can continue to provide our great services.",
"Forum": "",
"Twitter": "",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "linuxserver's Repository",
"index": 32
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "These are my personal contributions to the community, not offical offerings by Lime Technologies",
"icon": "",
"title": "ljm42's Repository",
"index": 33
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "German Developer",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "mgutt's Repository",
"index": 34
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I am not really a developer, I just made someone elses docker container available to others in the Unraid Community, I hope it helps!",
"icon": "",
"title": "ndetar's Repository",
"index": 35
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"bio": "Lime Technology Inc is the maker of Unraid OS. Unraid is an OS for personal and small business use that brings enterprise-class features letting you configure your computer systems to maximize performance and capacity using any combination of applications, VMs, storage devices, and hardware.",
"icon": "",
"Facebook": "",
"Reddit": "",
"Forum": "",
"Twitter": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "Official Unraid Repository",
"index": 36
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creator of Disk Location plugin for Unraid.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Donate me a beer if you like my plugin.. or not",
"Forum": "",
"title": "olehj's Repository",
"index": 37
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"bio": "Creating official Docker images for the Organizr application.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "Organizr Repository",
"index": 38
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Trying my best to adapt Binhex's DelugeVPN and add Flexget to it",
"icon": "",
"title": "Paul_Ber's Repository",
"index": 39
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Giving back to the Unraid community, one application at a time.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Buy me a coffee/beer",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "PTRFRLL's Repository",
"index": 40
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Integrating scripts to enhance existing docker containers functionality.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "randomninjaatk's Repository",
"index": 41
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Random Docker containers template for applications I like.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you want to have a beer with me, it's always welcome :)",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "raz's Repository",
"index": 42
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I love automation. What is not there, I create myself.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Sponsor me if you like my work!",
"title": "rix's Repository",
"index": 43
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I am not attempting to create containers, but I have built a few templates to make life a little easier. If you are looking for details on the containers, please check out the individual DockerHub pages.\n There is usually also a support thread linked in the respectiuve template.",
"icon": "",
"title": "Roland's Repository",
"index": 44
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Adding missing containers as I find and need them.",
"icon": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "runraid's Repository",
"index": 45
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "My template respository to fill gaps I find in the CA store",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "sdub's Repository",
"index": 46
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"bio": "A bunch of happy folks adding what the community want, to give them choice, for free. Request stuff on our github",
"icon": "",
"Forum": "",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository",
"index": 47
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating docker containers for community.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Forum": "",
"title": "snoopy86's Repository",
"index": 48
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Unraid fan and the author and maintainer of various plugins for Unraid including **Community Applications** and **Fix Common Problems**, along with being a major contributor to the forums at large. I am of the belief that plugins carry an extra burden of support due to their nature and will endeavor to fix any problems with them ASAP. Occasionally sarcastic and always a twisted sense of humour.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "Buy me a beer",
"title": "Squid's Repository",
"index": 49
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "openVMTools_compiled Repository",
"icon": "",
"title": "StevenD's Repository",
"index": 50
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "We create Docker templates to get your homelab set up across a range of needs, from basic all the way to enterprise level - without discrimination. We just want to help the community.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Discord": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "Sycotix' Repository",
"index": 51
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I create Docker containers that are of interest to me that I hope others find also find useful.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "Taddeusz' Repository",
"index": 52
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating Docker containers for fun.",
"icon": "",
"title": "tmchow's Repository",
"index": 53
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Just a guy who loves containers and unRAID!",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"Twitter": "",
"WebPage": "",
"title": "TQ's Repository",
"index": 54
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Helping make it easy to run Minecraft on Unraid :)",
"icon": "",
"title": "Veriwind's Repository",
"index": 55
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creating Docker containers for my needs and sharing them with the community.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "vinid223's Repository",
"index": 56
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Maintaining a plugin which installs rclone on your unraid machine.",
"icon": "",
"title": "Waseh's Repository",
"index": 57
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "Creator and maintainer of the iCloudPD Docker template.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you like my work please consider Donating.",
"title": "Womabre's Repository",
"index": 58
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"bio": "I maintain a number of Docker images based on Alpine Linux and Ubuntu with the goal of producing simple, stable and user-friendly containers. I also create templates for Unraid users.",
"icon": "",
"DonateLink": "",
"DonateText": "If you appreciate my work please consider buying me a coffee, cheers!",
"Forum": "",
"title": "xthursdayx's Repository",
"index": 59
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "activ's Repository",
"index": 60
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Aggie1999's Repository",
"index": 61
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "aptalca's Repository",
"index": 62
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "argash's Repository",
"index": 63
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "atribe's Repository",
"index": 64
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Bender's Repository",
"index": 65
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "bluegizmo83's Repository",
"index": 66
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "bobbintb's Repository",
"index": 67
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "brettm357's Repository",
"index": 68
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "brycelarge's Repository",
"index": 69
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Bungy's Repository",
"index": 70
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "c4artz' Repository",
"index": 71
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "capt.asic's Repository",
"index": 72
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "CaptInsano's Repository",
"index": 73
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Chacawaca's Repository",
"index": 74
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "cheesemarathon's Repository",
"index": 75
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "chvb's Repository",
"index": 76
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "clowrym's Repository",
"index": 77
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "cmer's Repository",
"index": 78
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Codeluxe's Repository",
"index": 79
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Conmyster's Repository",
"index": 80
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "coppit's Repository",
"index": 81
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "CyaOnDaNet's Repository",
"index": 82
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "D34DC3N73R's Repository",
"index": 83
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"title": "d8ahazard's Repository",
"index": 84
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "d8sychain's Repository",
"index": 85
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "DanRegalia's Repository",
"index": 86
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "DavidSpek's Repository",
"index": 87
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "dee31797's Repository",
"index": 88
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "dibbz' Repository",
"index": 89
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "dimtar's Repository",
"index": 90
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "dmacias' Repository",
"index": 91
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "dmaxwell's Repository",
"index": 92
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "docgyver's Repository",
"index": 93
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "doron's Repository",
"index": 94
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Dynamix Repository",
"index": 95
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Dyon's Repository",
"index": 96
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "ElectricBrainUK's Repository",
"index": 97
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"title": "Emby Repository",
"index": 98
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "eXisTa's Repository",
"index": 99
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "fanningert's Repository",
"index": 100
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Flight777's Repository",
"index": 101
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Fma965's Repository",
"index": 102
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "FoxxMD's Repository",
"index": 103
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "frakman1's Repository",
"index": 104
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "FunnyPocketBook's Repository",
"index": 105
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "ganey's Repository",
"index": 106
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "gfjardim's Repository",
"index": 107
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Glassed Silver's Repository",
"index": 108
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Grack's Repository",
"index": 109
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "hedrinbc's Repository",
"index": 110
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "hernandito's Repository",
"index": 111
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Huxy's Repository",
"index": 112
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "itimpi's Repository",
"index": 113
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "jassycliq's Repository",
"index": 114
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "JBartlett's Repository",
"index": 115
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "jbreed's Repository",
"index": 116
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "jbrodriguez's Repository",
"index": 117
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "JCloud's Repository",
"index": 118
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "jcreynolds' Repository",
"index": 119
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Jflo's Repository",
"index": 120
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "jj9987's Repository",
"index": 121
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "joch's Repository",
"index": 122
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "johnodon's Repository",
"index": 123
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Josh.5's Repository",
"index": 124
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "josywong's Repository",
"index": 125
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "JugniJi's Repository",
"index": 126
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "JustinAiken's Repository",
"index": 127
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "ken-ji's Repository",
"index": 128
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "kevin yu's Repository",
"index": 129
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "kiowa2005's Repository",
"index": 130
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Knoxie89's Repository",
"index": 131
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Kru-X's Repository",
"index": 132
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "laur's Repository",
"index": 133
"url": "",
"profile": null,
"title": "Linuxserver's Plugin Repository",
"index": 134
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "macester's Repository",
"index": 135
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "magmpzero's Repository",
"index": 136
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "malfurious' Repository",
"index": 137
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "malvarez00's Repository",
"index": 138
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "MarkusMcNugen's Repository",
"index": 139
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mason's Repository",
"index": 140
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mdarkness1988's Repository",
"index": 141
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mearman's 2nd Repository",
"index": 142
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mearman's Repository",
"index": 143
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Mettbrot's Repository",
"index": 144
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Mihai's Repository",
"index": 145
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mikeylikesrocks' Repository",
"index": 146
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "mlebjerg's Repository",
"index": 147
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "MobiusNine's Repository",
"index": 148
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "MrChunky's Repository",
"index": 149
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Mudislander's Repository",
"index": 150
"url": "",
"profile": "",
"title": "Muwahhidun's Repository",
"index": 151
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