2022-07-12 20:03:55 -04:00

1 line
26 KiB
Executable File

{"caFixed":247,"fixedTemplates":{"smdion's Repository":{"smdion/docker-h5ai":["Invalid WebUI"]},"smdion's beta Repository":{"smdion/docker-keybox":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"CaptInsano's Repository":{"captinsano/koel":["No category entry present","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"],"captinsano/legacyrutorrent":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"captinsano/rutorrent":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"]},"Bungy's Repository":{"sameersbn/gitlab":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"jshridha/motioneye:latest":["No category entry present","Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"],"owncloud":["No category entry present"],"jshridha/rdiffweb":["No Icon specified within the application template","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"],"centurylink/watchtower":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"hernandito's Repository":{"hernandito/hernando-apachephp-docker":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"hernandito/docker-apache-php-adminer":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"hernandito/myfilebrowser":["Fatal: Duplicated Template name - Removed from lists"],"hernandito/docker-resourcespace":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"coolasice1999/tmm-cli-cronjob:latest":["Unknown category MediaManager:"],"romancin/tinymediamanager:latest":["Unknown category MediaManager:"]},"Official Unraid Repository":{"":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"linuxserver's Repository":{"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"":["No category entry present"],"":["No category entry present"]},"sdesbure's Repository":{"sdesbure/T411Torznab":["Fatal: Invalid repository found. Only lowercase is allowed"]},"snoopy86's Repository":{"snoopy86/emoncms-docker":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"]},"tinglis1's Repository":{"dreamcat4/pipework:1.1.3":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)","Fatal: Incorrect characters in name"],"dreamcat4/pipework:1.1.5":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"]},"gfjardim's Repository":{"":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"docgyver's Repository":{"":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"stuckless' Repository":{"stuckless/crushftp":["Multiple Icons found"]},"thomast_88's Repository":{"gitlab/gitlab-ce":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"],"gitlab/gitlab-runner":["No category entry present","Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"]},"chvb's Repository":{"chvb/docker-apache-php":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"]},"jcreynolds' Repository":{"jcreynolds/flextv":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"]},"atribe's Repository":{"atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"barrycarey/speedtest-for-influxdb-and-grafana":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"Kru-X's Repository":{"wekanteam/wekan":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]/"],"wordpress":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"Uirel's Repository":{"caddy:alpine":["Multiple Descriptions Found","Unknown category Network:Proxy:"]},"cmer's Repository":{"cmer/minio":["Fatal: Multiple Repositories Found - Removing application from lists","Fatal: No author or multiple authors found - Removing application from lists","Fatal: No author could be determined - Removing application from lists"]},"clowrym's Repository":{"hexparrot/mineos":["No category entry present"],"ninjaneer/plex-discord-bot":["No Icon specified within the application template","No Support or Project Link Present"]},"fanningert's Repository":{"guacamole/guacd":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"malvarez00's Repository":{"gitlab/gitlab-ce":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]","No Support or Project Link Present"]},"MarkusMcNugen's Repository":{"markusmcnugen/openconnect":["No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/tcp)","No container port set. Set to 4443 (Container Port: 4443/udp)"]},"jj9987's Repository":{"janarj/cloudflare-ddns:1.1":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"JCloud's Repository":{"quantumobject/docker-cacti":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/cacti"],"analogic/":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"]},"JBartlett's Repository":{"jbartlett777/diskspeed":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8888]/"]},"zyphermonkey's Repository":{"zyphermonkey/splunk":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"Mudislander's Repository":{"mudislander/fogproject":["Invalid WebUI"],"bl0m1/xtevedocker":["No category entry present","CPU pinning removed from template","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"digiblur's Repository":{"homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"raymondmm/tasmoadmin":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"],"iotreboot/tasui:latest":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"mlebjerg's Repository":{"ofsm/ofsm:latest":["No category entry present","No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/","No Support or Project Link Present"],"mlebjerg/steamcachebundle:latest":["No container port set. Set to 80 (Container Port: Must be 80!)","No container port set. Set to 443 (Container Port: 443\r\nSNIProxy port, don't change!)"]},"itimpi's Repository":{"bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa":["Invalid characters in default path /mnt/user/?. Removed"]},"thetarkus' Repository":{"thetarkus/funkwhale":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"rix's Repository":{"rix1337/docker-gphotos-sync":["No category entry present"],"rix1337/docker-myjd-api":["No category entry present"]},"Siwat2545's Repository":{"adguard/adguardhome":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"machinebox/facebox":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"Bender's Repository":{"traefik:latest":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.","Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"],"boerderij/varken":["Invalid WebUI"],"acockburn/appdaemon":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","Hardcoded IP address for webUI. It should always be [IP] instead.","Hardcoded port found in webUI entry"]},"Grack's Repository":{"gregyankovoy/chowdown":["No category entry present"],"gregyankovoy/goaccess":["No category entry present"],"gregyankovoy/lftp-mirror":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"knex666's Repository":{"atlassian/confluence-server":["No category entry present"],"nextcloud:latest":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"mtlynch/picoshare":["No category entry present","No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"knex666/rssnotipy":["No category entry present","No container port set. Set to 3247 (Container Port: 3247)"],"kevineye/snapcast":["No category entry present"],"doudou34/tor-server":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","No container port set. Set to 9030 (Container Port: )","No container port set. Set to 9001 (Container Port: )"]},"ulisses1478's Repository":{"ulisses1478/docker-android":["No category entry present","No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","No Support or Project Link Present"],"ulisses1478/bitcoinwallet-gui":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"ulisses1478/mongo-express":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","No Support or Project Link Present"],"phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"ulisses1478/shinobi":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"ulisses1478/teleradarr":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"ulisses1478/zcashwallet":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"FoxxMD's Repository":{"elasticsearch:6.6.2":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"]},"josywong's Repository":{"angelics/unraid-docker-javinizer":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"Selfhosters Unraid Discord Repository":{"mattermost/focalboard":["No category entry present"],"gilbn/geoip2influx":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"jalle19/node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"],"akhilrex/podgrab":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"shenxn/protonmail-bridge":["No category entry present"],"toddrob/searcharr":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"],"stokkes/sstvproxy":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"syncarr/syncarr":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"zpex/web-pdf-toolbox":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"alturismo's Repository":{"dnsforge/xteve:latest":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"SpaceInvaderOne's Repository":{"spaceinvaderone/log4j-scan:latest":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"spaceinvaderone/log4shell-testing-vulnerable":["No category entry present","No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","No Support or Project Link Present"],"ixsystems/truecommand":["No category entry present"]},"d8ahazard's Repository":{"digitalhigh/glimmr":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"Aggie1999's Repository":{"wbynum/qemubackup":["No Icon specified within the application template","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"frakman1's Repository":{"":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"gitlab/gitlab-ce":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"],"gitlab/gitlab-runner":["No category entry present","Blacklisted: Obvious CA conversion templates are disallowed"],"":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"ElectricBrainUK's Repository":{"electricbrainuk/idleminerdashboard":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:3000]"],"electricbrainuk/unraidapi":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"]},"MrChunky's Repository":{"cassandra:latest":["No category entry present"],"storjlabs/storagenode:latest":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"]},"p.wrangles' Repository":{"wranglatang/bluelinky":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"eXisTa's Repository":{"xirixiz/dsmr-reader-docker":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"kiowa2005's Repository":{"mitchellriley/streetmerchant":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"TheBrian's Repository":{"theoriginalbrian/intel-gpu-telegraf":["No category entry present"]},"Progeny42's Repository":{"snipe/snipe-it":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"roflcoopter's Repository":{"roflcoopter/viseron":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"agusalex' Repository":{"agusalex/grive2":["Invalid WebUI"],"agusalex/notarius:latest":["No category entry present","Fatal: No valid Overview Or Description present - Application dropped from CA automatically - Possibly far too many formatting tags present"]},"argash's Repository":{"denverquane/amongusdiscord":["No container port set. Set to 8123 (The port the Bot will use for incoming communications from the capture client. Defaults to 8123. You must specify more (comma-delimited ports) if you are running with NUM_SHARDS > 1. For example, with 3 shards, PORT = 8123,8124,8125)"]},"laur's Repository":{"layr/borg-mysql-backup:borg1":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"rge's Repository":{"wger/devel:latest":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"Muwahhidun's Repository":{"brotandgames/ciao":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"joplin/server:latest":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"typhonragewind/meshcentral":["No category entry present","Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"nextcloud/all-in-one:latest":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"roundcube/roundcubemail":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"tak786/trango-self-hosted:latest":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"wiznote/wizserver":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"ganey's Repository":{"honeygain/honeygain":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"PTRFRLL's Repository":{"lukechannings/moviematch":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"],"ptrfrll/nv-docker-trex":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"ChargingCosmonaut's Repository":{"":["No category entry present","Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"lnxd's Repository":{"lnxd/phoenixstats":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"LawRyder's Repository":{"lawryder/ankidock:latest_stable":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"NixonInnes' Repository":{"nixoninnes/alpaca-to-influxdb:latest":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"nixoninnes/binance-to-influxdb:latest":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"Kippenhof's Repository":{"m1k1o/neko:latest":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"blueedge/win11react":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"Alphacosmos' Repository":{"petersem/posterr":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"freddy0's Repository":{"":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"ptchernegovski's Repository":{"funkwhale/all-in-one:latest":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"Froodle's Repository":{"dependencytrack/frontend":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"ofawx's Repository":{"ofawx/electrs":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"RedVex's Repository":{"redvex2460/autofillerweb:latest":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"redvex2460/discoloader":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"redvex2460/fogproject:latest":["No Support or Project Link Present"],"mber5/virt-manager:latest":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"m0ngr31's Repository":{"m0ngr31/dailynotes":["No category entry present"],"m0ngr31/eplustv":["No category entry present"]},"corgan's Repository":{"exadel/compreface:0.6.1":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"],"exadel/compreface:0.6.1-mobilenet-gpu":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]"],"machinebox/facebox":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"machinebox/tagbox":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"],"machinebox/videobox":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]"],"stefanknaak/prometheus-phoenixstats:latest":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/metrics"]},"patrickstigler's Repository":{"shneezin/breitbandmessung-node":["Unknown category Network:Other:Other"],"cadquery/cadquery-server":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"cadriel/fluidd":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"],"patrickstigler/py-stocks-api:latest":["No Icon specified within the application template"],"patrickstigler/quiz-game":["Not a valid Registry entry set. Creating from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"da do ron's Repository":{"knilix/ubuntu-xfce-vnc-novnc":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"C3004's Repository":{"comixed/comixed:latest":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"joroga22's Repository":{"elastiflow/flow-collector:5.3.4":["No Registry entry set. Created from Repository setting - This may not be the correct value - Incorrect entries may impede updates to the container"]},"HanSolo97's Repository":{"tombursch/kitchenowl-web":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Entry changed to http://[IP]:[PORT:80]/"]},"cieg's Repository":{"cieg/obs-docker":["No Support or Project Link Present"]},"tipdec-sbilyn's Repository":{"tloncorp/urbit:v1.8":["Port referenced in webUI does not correspond with a container port defined. Port Referenced does not exist in Config"]},"ep1cman's Repository":{"":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"IMTheNachoMan's Repository":{"bubuntux/nordlynx":["No Icon specified within the application template"]},"mrlafontaine's Repository":{"ergoplatform/ergo":["Possible environment variable within extra parameters. This should be handled via a config element (type=variable)"]},"SaveageAUS' Repository":{"ajnart/homarr":["No category entry present","No Icon specified within the application template"]},"LongYunar's Repository":{"mzz2017/v2raya":["No category entry present","No Support or Project Link Present"]},"fiR3W4LL's Repository":{"devidian/spaceengineers":["No container port set. Set to 27017 ()"]},"mikehanson's Repository":{"ironmansoftware/universal":["No category entry present"]}}}