Squidly271 b3878cd225 Redo
2020-12-03 07:42:32 -05:00

198 lines
12 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>This Docker will download and install Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and run it (by default this container has a MariaDB and Redis Server integrated).&#13;
First Start: Enter the Module name to load in the variable down below (without the .mod extension) start the container and wait for it until the log displays the message that the modules folder is empty, stop the container and place your mod file in the folder (.../Neverwinter Nights/modules) and restart the container (You can also place a mod file from your local installed game into the server eg.: .../Neverwinter Nights/data/mod/Contest of Champions 0492).&#13;
ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files!&#13;
Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available.&#13;
CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u nwnee -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS nwnee' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place.</Overview>
<DonateText>If you like my work please </DonateText>
<Value>Contest Of Champions 0492</Value>
<Value>Docker NWNEE</Value>
<Config Name="ServerFiles" Target="/nwnee" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /nwnee" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/cache/appdata/nwnee</Config>
<Config Name="Log Level" Target="LOG_LVL" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the log level (from 2=only fatal errors to 7=very verbose)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">4</Config>
<Config Name="UDP - Game Port" Target="5121" Default="" Mode="udp" Description="UDP Game Port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">5121</Config>
<Config Name="Module Name" Target="MOD_NAME" Default="" Mode="" Description="Enter the module name to load here (located in your serverdirectory 'Neverwinter Nights/modules' without the .mod extension)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Game Version" Target="NWNEE_V" Default="" Mode="" Description="Enter your preferred game version or set to 'latest' (without quotes) to check for the latest version on every restart." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">latest</Config>
<Config Name="Maximum Clients" Target="MAX_CLIENTS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the maximum number of connections to the game server." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">4</Config>
<Config Name="Minimum Character Level" Target="MINLEVEL" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the minimum character level required by the server." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="Maximum Character Level" Target="MAXLEVEL" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the maximum character level allowed by the server." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">40</Config>
<Config Name="Player Pause" Target="PAUSEAPLAY" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set if a player or DM can pause the game (0 = game can only be paused by DM, 1 = game can by paused by players)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="PVP Mode" Target="PVP" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set wich PVP mode do you want (0 = none, 1 = party, 2 = full)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Servercharacters Only" Target="SERVERVAULT" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set if local or server characters (0 = local characters only. 1 = server characters only)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Enforce Legal Characters" Target="ELC" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set enforcing legal characters (0 = don't enforce legal characters, 1 = do enforce legal characters)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Enforce Item Level Restriction" Target="ILR" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set enforcing item level restriction (0 = don't enforce item level restrictions, 1 = do enforce item level restrictions)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Multiple Parties Allowed" Target="ONEPARTY" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set if one or more parties are allowed (0 = allow only one party, 1 = allow multiple parties)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Difficulty" Target="DIFF" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set difficutly (1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = D&amp;amp;D hardcore, 4 = very difficult)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="Autosave Intervall" Target="AUTO_SAV_I" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set how frequently (in minutes) to autosave. 0 disables autosave." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">5</Config>
<Config Name="Server Name" Target="SRV_NAME" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the name this server appears as in the mulitplayer game listing." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">Docker NWNEE</Config>
<Config Name="Connection Password" Target="PPW" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the password required by players to join the game." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">Docker</Config>
<Config Name="Admin Password" Target="APWD" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set the password required to remotely administer the game. Currently unused." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">adminDocker</Config>
<Config Name="Public Server" Target="PUBLIC_SRV" Default="" Mode="" Description="Set if you want to list the game publicly (0 = do not list server with the matching service. 1 = list server with the matching service)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Restart Module If Server Becomes Empty" Target="RLD_W_E" Default="" Mode="" Description="Restart module if server becomes empty (0 = module state is persistant as long as server is running, 1 = module state is reset when the server becomes empty)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Extra Startup Parameters" Target="GAME_PARAMS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Enter your extra game startup parameters if needed here (eg: '-dmpassword supersecretpassword -quiet' without quotes)." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="UID" Target="UID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: UID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">99</Config>
<Config Name="GID" Target="GID" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: GID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">100</Config>
<Config Name="UMASK" Target="UMASK" Default="" Mode="" Description="Container Variable: UMASK" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">000</Config>
<Description>This Docker will download and install Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and run it (by default this container has a MariaDB and Redis Server integrated).&#13;
First Start: Enter the Module name to load in the variable down below (without the .mod extension) start the container and wait for it until the log displays the message that the modules folder is empty, stop the container and place your mod file in the folder (.../Neverwinter Nights/modules) and restart the container (You can also place a mod file from your local installed game into the server eg.: .../Neverwinter Nights/data/mod/Contest of Champions 0492).&#13;
ATTENTION: First Startup can take very long since it downloads the gameserver files!&#13;
Update Notice: Simply restart the container if a newer version of the game is available.&#13;
CONSOLE: To connect to the console open up the terminal on the host machine and type in: 'docker exec -u nwnee -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS nwnee' (without quotes) to exit the screen session press CTRL+A and then CTRL+D or simply close the terminal window in the first place.</Description>