Squidly271 b3878cd225 Redo
2020-12-03 07:42:32 -05:00

240 lines
14 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Container version="2">
<Overview>Fully customizable Rust Server at your fingertips. [br] &#13;
Set all of the settings below to suit your needs and save when you are ready. [br] [br]&#13;
Features: [br] &#13;
Automatic updating system with wipe. [br] &#13;
Auto Port forwarding (UPnP). [br] &#13;
Simple Template for faster setup (Great for newbies). &#13;
Auto announcements, upto 5 messages to set. &#13;
Enable option to show wiped date in server title. &#13;
<ExtraParams>-m 16g --restart unless-stopped</ExtraParams>
<PostArgs>-m 16</PostArgs>
<DonateText>Any Donations will be appriciated</DonateText>
<Value>My Rust Server</Value>
<Config Name="Public" Target="PUBLIC" Default="1" Mode="" Description="1 = Yes &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt; &#13;&#10;0 = No &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Be accessible online. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Will automatically port forward your router. (UPnP) " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="PVE" Target="PVE" Default="0" Mode="" Description="1 = Enabled (Player Vs Entities) &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;0 = Disabled (Player Vs Player) " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Auto Maintenance" Target="AUTO" Default="1" Mode="" Description="1 = Yes &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;0 = No &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Automatically updates server/oxide and manages wipes. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Will notify players before update happens. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="Auto Wipe" Target="WIPEDAYS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Leave (BLANK) for no server wipes. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Enter the amount of days until server wipes. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Example.. 7 will wipe the server 7 days after the map was created. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Players will be notified before wipe. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Wipe Date On Title" Target="WIPE_TITLE" Default="0" Mode="" Description="1 = Enabled &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;0 = Disabled &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Will show the the server wiped date in the server name. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Oxide Plugin" Target="OXIDE" Default="0" Mode="" Description="1 = Enabled &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;0 = Disable &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt; &#13;&#10;Be able to install plugins from Oxide. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Performance" Target="PERFORMANCE" Default="1" Mode="" Description="1 = Resource Friendly (Optimized) &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;2 = Original (Rust Default Settings) &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;3 = Competitive (Resource Gobbler)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">1</Config>
<Config Name="Server Release" Target="RELEASE" Default="public" Mode="" Description="public = (Latest update) &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;prerelease = (Under development)" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">public</Config>
<Config Name="Server Name" Target="NAME" Default="" Mode="" Description="Enter the server name. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;This is the name that will show up in Rust server list. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">My Rust Server</Config>
<Config Name="Server Description" Target="DESCRIPTION" Default="" Mode="" Description="The information about the server. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;This will be shown when this server is selected in rust server list. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Use \n for new line. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Banner URL" Target="BANNER" Default="" Mode="" Description="Banner must be 512x256 PNG" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Max Players" Target="PLAYERS" Default="100" Mode="" Description="Max amount of players that can join. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">50</Config>
<Config Name="Map Size" Target="MAPSIZE" Default="medium" Mode="" Description="tiny | small &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;medium | large &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;massive" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">medium</Config>
<Config Name="Rcon Password" Target="PASSWORD" Default="changeme" Mode="" Description="Password to access Rcon (Remote Console) &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Leave blank for unsecure login (Not Recommended) " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false">server</Config>
<Config Name="(ADVANCED) Extra Startup Arguments" Target="ARGUMENTS" Default="" Mode="" Description="Extra rust arguments to be applied when starting up server. " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Announce 1" Target="ANNOUNCE1" Default="" Mode="" Description="Leave BLANK to disable announcements. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Enter announcement in order 1-5. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Not all announcements must be filled " Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Announce 2" Target="ANNOUNCE2" Default="" Mode="" Description="ANNOUNCEMENT 2" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Announce 3" Target="ANNOUNCE3" Default="" Mode="" Description="ANNOUNCEMENT 3" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Announce 4" Target="ANNOUNCE4" Default="" Mode="" Description="ANNOUNCEMENT 4" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Announce 5" Target="ANNOUNCE5" Default="" Mode="" Description="ANNOUNCEMENT 5" Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="false" Mask="false"></Config>
<Config Name="Rust Server Directory" Target="/steamcmd/rust" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/Rust-Server/" Mode="rw" Description="Mapping Directory" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">/mnt/user/appdata/Rust-Server/</Config>
<Config Name="Web Port" Target="8080" Default="8080" Mode="tcp" Description="Web host for Rcon" Type="Port" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">8080</Config>
<Config Name="Rcon Port" Target="28016" Default="28016" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: " Type="Port" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28016</Config>
<Config Name="Rust Port TCP" Target="28015" Default="28015" Mode="tcp" Description="TCP" Type="Port" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28015</Config>
<Config Name="Rust Port UDP" Target="28015" Default="28015" Mode="udp" Description="UDP" Type="Port" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28015</Config>
<Config Name="Port Forward Web" Target="PORTFORWARD_WEB" Default="8080" Mode="" Description="Match this port with (Web Port)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">8080</Config>
<Config Name="Port Forward Rust" Target="PORTFORWARD_RUST" Default="28015" Mode="" Description="Match this port with (Rust Port)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28015</Config>
<Config Name="Port Forward Rcon" Target="PORTFORWARD_RCON" Default="28016" Mode="" Description="Match this port with (Rcon Port)" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">28016</Config>
<Config Name="Map Seed" Target="MAPSEED" Default="0" Mode="" Description="0 = Randomises the map terrain etc.. &amp;lt;/br&amp;gt;&#13;&#10;Or enter your own value if you want a consistent map on each wipe." Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">0</Config>
<Config Name="Server Folder Name" Target="IDENTITY" Default="Server-1" Mode="" Description="Server folder name, e.g My-server-name" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">My-server-name</Config>
<Config Name="Save Intervals" Target="SAVE_INTERVAL" Default="300" Mode="" Description="Value is in seconds. " Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">300</Config>
<Config Name="Announce Delay" Target="ANNOUNCE_DELAY" Default="8" Mode="" Description="Delay in minutes between each announcement." Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="true" Mask="false">8</Config>
<Description>Fully customizable Rust Server at your fingertips. &#13;
Set all of the settings below to suit your needs and save when you are ready. &#13;
Features: &#13;
Automatic updating system with wipe. &#13;
Auto Port forwarding (UPnP). &#13;
Simple Template for faster setup (Great for newbies). &#13;
Auto announcements, upto 5 messages to set. &#13;
Enable option to show wiped date in server title.</Description>